Please create accounts at instances mentioned at After creating accounts, do enter your username@instancename in the sheet at link of this post.

Remember, forming critical mass, it would be lonely out there. (maybe not in PixelFed) Please persist. Connect with each other. Invite your friends and family. Each famous person who has substantial following that you can bring will have immense positive effect.

Please use less used instances for load balancing and decentralization if possible.

  • Sagar AcharyaOPM
    12 years ago

    It would improve with time. We can just do what we can meanwhile and spread our word to say the creators of that software. We can help each other.

      • Sagar AcharyaOPM
        2 years ago

        It doesn’t have a system to move ahead. Posting links does absolutely nothing. As this group itself. People lack the actions that are required to really spread the technology. Upvoting is a single click. But to create account, and create some basic content while having few likes and zero feedback is very difficult. To create the core of networking effects where no friends and family are on the tech.