Encrypted platform for non-profit collaborative projects Create projects, invite your friends and enjoy the free and safe tools to organize your association or collective together.

(Not to be confused with systemd)


  • Sagar AcharyaM
    42 years ago

    What platform does it replace which is unethical? How is your system better than that? Does your JS code fingerprint the user? Is it LibreJS friendly? Please update in your post. Also, we don’t understand French.

    • @ZerushOP
      -22 years ago

      It’s a french product, but it works with every language. You can test the page in Blacklight, if there any tracker, there isn’t. You need only a nick for the account, no private datas, other members only by invitation. There isn’t another platform with this features, only maybe a concern intern and commercial, I don’t know. I know that there no is attention sin the final of 2020, but works fine, the project is OpenSource and if you want, you can fork and self host it. https://github.com/HUB-HUmanBeing/SystemD

      • Sagar AcharyaM
        32 years ago

        Server code is never trusted, even if source code is made open. One can use different code than source. Blacklight doesn’t really test whether the site is clean. Also, ajax calls could fingerprint you. I don’t think one can really determine fingerprinting except reading the whole JS code. Also, preventing JS code as much as possible is recommended wrt security.

      • Sagar AcharyaM
        22 years ago

        Anyways. This is ideal expectation. If you can say what current tech is being used and how this is better than that, we would go ahead. I would suggest kanban in cryptpad solves this problem way better. It also gives many alternatives to google sheets, drive, etc.