one day last year I was in the gym and went to the lat pulldown machine in the middle of my workout. someone had it on 200 lbs or something, so I pulled the pin out of the weight stack, and the entire attachment fell on the back of my head. this was a really heavy metal attachment, must have been like 20-30 lbs fell on my head. I got really dizzy for ~30 seconds and had a big bump on my head, but that was somehow all that happened.

to this day, I’m kind of scared and cautious whenever I change the weight on those machines.

  • electric_nan
    9 months ago

    Eighteen years old, drunk and ‘urban exploring’ (breaking into a construction site) late one Friday night. I dropped a giant, temporary wall on myself. It was too heavy to lift, and it was crushing me down into brick rubble. All I could think was that I would be found dead there by the workers on Monday morning. I have no idea how I was able to squeeze myself out of there.