The two top entries on sorted by hot as of a few minutes ago were a porn link on a porn community (nothing against porn per se, but I don’t want to see it on the front page) and a bot post to some kind of bot link community. I see the “block user” button but I don’t particularly care to see anything from those communities, so blocking the individual poster doesn’t help much. I could actually visit the community in order to block it, but that sort of defeats the purpose of blocking. And I know of “Hide NSFW” but I’m not particularly anti-NSFW, I just don’t want to see it unintentionally.

So it would be useful to have “block community” as an option along with “block user” in the little buttons underneath the post.

As a broader policy matter, I’d be cool with blocking NSFW from the front page altogether (it would still be available within communities of course). But I understand such a decision would want discussion for and against.

  • solrizeOP
    2 years ago

    The only way I see to block a community is to visit the community first, which is an annoying interruption because of the additional screen navigation, plus you end up ironically visiting the very community you want to block. So I’m asking a way to block the community after seeing the main page link. That is, add a “block community” button similar to the existing “block user” button. The community name and instance ( together are usually informative enough to tell me whether I want to block.

    • Faresh
      2 years ago

      I remember some weeks/months ago, there was no button to block the community in the community page, but it was possible to block communities regardless, so blocking from the community page isn’t the only option.

      If you go to your user settings, there should be two tabs: Settings and Blocks. You want to click on “Blocks”. There you can block users and communities without having to visit their respective pages.

      I guess the ability to block communities from their page was added in response to the many people asking how to block communities. Or maybe because it’s simply better UX having the ability to block stuff without having to move around much.