I came across QANplatform & TheQRL - both promise that with “quantum computing” , all current crypto-assets will be at risk! Therefore, I do high appreciate if any experts in the domain can help us to understand the risk and how the current assets (BTC/ETH, others) are getting ready to counter-attack or protect itself at least! On the other hand - are these Quantum Resistant Solution viable and legitimate - if so why they are of very low hype and no major investors behind them? QRL: The Quantum Resistant Ledger (theqrl.org) QANplatform : https://learn.qanplatform.com


    • LemmyianOP
      3 years ago

      Thanks again - while reading your replies a friend of mine called me telling that he has invested in QRL, Cellframe & QANplatform, saying it’s of very low price at the moment, in few years if QC’s are out there, these projects would be worth Billions, he kept pushing me to do the same but after reading your reply …I am lazy to do!