Today was the day :(
Today was the day :(
Thanks for pointing that out, I had totally forgotten about that, was only thinking of the Escudo.
Many many years ago, a friend of mine installed a remote control plugin on another friends Foobar (music player) without their knowledge. He then proceeded to troll by messing with the volume and the track playing, not only when he was visiting but also when he would pass by the house. He would check if Foobar was being used and then would troll a bit before continuing. This went on for about 4 months. The other dude was going insane trying to figure out what was happening.
Thanks, I Hate It
Cool diagram! Would be better if it pointed out that the Portuguese word “real” only refers to currency in Brazil, not Portugal. The origin appears correct and the word is used in Portugal either to say something is “regal” or “real”.
"Unlike typical Doom mods, the project uses Construct 3 rather than utilizing the original Doom engine. "
This was not done in Doom but rather a Doom inspired creation.
Still,Dooms legacy has influenced more creativity ʘ‿ʘ
How did the line go? “There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism”
What Minecraft version do you run on the deck?
Selling your body to any man with money does not seem easy at all to me. Or do you think all women in prostitutuon, and men for that matter, are there because they like it?
Really, an easy gig? I guess you are referring to only fans and not actual prostitution, the latter does not seem easy at all.
Someone is thinking about the shareholders!!!
Damn that must have been an eerie feeling, thanks for sharing.
“The weak are meat and the strong do eat”
Yes. One example is the blue light blocking glasses. When he first started out on the platform he mentioned a lot of times that such products don’t work. However, a few years later took a partnership with a company that sells those and suddenly they work and the brand he partnered with is amazing.
Not to mentioned the fact that he has several million followers, sponsorships and a high paying job while still saying that all the income he gets serves to fund the posdcast and to keep his knowledge free.
He may have started with good intentions but he’s long gone to the grift side of things.
I don’t know since I personally don’t use soy beans a lot, I prefer lentils and other beans (black beans, brown beans, chickpeas, etc).
Wanted to provide some context so not to be dismissed as someone who does not believe in plant based diets.
How weak willed are these men?
Thats an apt analogy to the recent Path of Exile 2 fiasco