TFO Winder
Having public healthcare is a miracle!!. You should be grateful for that.
Well, most people think they are middle class.
Used it in development environment, well I didn’t need the snapshot feature and it didn’t have a straightforward swap setup, it lead to performance issues because of frequent writes to swap.
Not a big issue but annoyed me a bit.
What are features of Salesforce that is not possible to keep in spreadsheet?
I know spreadsheet don’t scale but genuinely curious dif there is something that is not possible with excel.
I don’t understand, why use credit cards if 25% interest rate is charged?
Windows should be twice in this photo
What happens to Maps?
Isn’t that same as Tor?
Lol, this is hallucinating.
AI is crazy
Never understood ziezek. It always confuses me when he is explaining. Read this in zizeks voice and it went over my head.
Oh, it did felt it had some of that narrative.
Car shits smoke. Horse shits … well … Shit!!
Later they will make Pikachu face when Chinese build their own fab.
It has travelled 32.39 km (20.13 mi) on Mars as of 19 September 2024
CEO’s finding rationale for company poor performace.