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Joined 8 个月前
Cake day: 2023年11月2日


  • Which sucks, because the anti-LGBT attitude is one that is echoed by people who skew towards supporting countries like China or Vietnam. But I also don’t need to defend them or jump into parties (like CPUSA etc) that ally with them.

    Heck the “color revolution” thing reminded me of Luna Oi, who’s yet another prominent so-called communist…

    Luna nhậu-ing with a radical nationalist group that gas harassed activists and queer people across the vietnamese internet. posted publicly on their facebook page


    I saw firsthand much of the coordinated homophobic abuse and harassment targeted at Lương Thế Huy, the (aspiring) politician she is accusing of being a CIA plant in her video


    Translation: “Germany under that painter is also a bastion against the pottery makers*. Look how Germany of the 1940s compared to today. People often say all the true Germans have laid down their lives on the Eastern front.”
    * pottery makers or làng gốm is a slang for LGBT


    Why do some Vietnamese often drop a seemingly random statement: “Russia is the last bastion” when discussing gay marriages? That’s a dog whistle and they don’t mean it as a bastion against the nazi, but queer people.


    a 9th-grade highschooler pointed out that the giáo dục công dân/citizen education textbook is homophobic because it says “the state does not recognize marriages between people of the same sex”…

    this textbook is part of what a prominent Vietnamese YouTuber calls socialist education.



  • Latin America is doing pretty impressively, regardless of their conditions. It goes to show that those countries can be snubbed by the USA and improve conditions for their people, minorities included, regardless.

    So what the hell’s up with China? And if you want to say it’s not communist, or backsliding from Mao’s original attempt at establishing a communist country, I won’t hold you to that. It’s just that a whole lot of people who call themselves communists look at China, look at its position as one of the biggest, richest countries in the world and go “no they gotta crack down on LGBT media” for some reason

  • Why do you think that being pro-LGBT is the logical position of the kind of campists who are fans of Russia, China, etc? Many prominent communist party leaders – Maupin, Hinkle, Brar, all the big names I can think of really, embrace the sort of beliefset that you are against.

    And that’s not the worst thing, I’d rather people be pro-LGBT than anti-LGBT, but as far as I can tell, the prevailing current from those nominally communist countries is way more socially conservative than many people in Western countries want to believe. The infusion of more progressive people into communist parties is a relatively new phenomenon, and the old heads who run the parties don’t seem to be fans of it.

    Do you have any evidence to the contrary – communist party heads who are openly pro-LGBT?

  • JK Rowling is a terf despite not ever saying we should kill all men? It doesn’t have anything to do with man hating

    She sees trans women as men and sees them as a threat, citing her experience as an assault survivor as a validator for her belief system.

    Misandry is a huge contributor to TERFs hatred of trans women, and it often boils down to their obsession with genitalia. Man = penis = evil. I’ve read enough nutty radfem literature to see that.


    And sure, committing genocide is bad. I’m comparing two bad things, evil intent informed by bigotry, ostensibly acceptable because the people doing it are a minority and thus cannot cause harm to someone else.

    Malema can want ethnic genocide because he’s black or something.

    Israel can want ethnic genocide because they’re surrounded by hostile nations, and besides, that little bit of land is theirs anyway.

    And by Israel, I meant Germany post WWI. And by that, I also meant Russia. Blood and soil, right?