In English, but also Denglisch & Svenglish. Been working in #SoftwareEngineering & #IT, mainly #development and #TeamLead for +30 years. #coaching tech-heavy #startups throughout Europe. Interim #CTO. Professionally: #Programming, #Java, #ProjectManagement, #Agile, #SystemArchitecture, #InfoSec, #AutomatedTesting, #Electronics, #HardwareDesign, #PhysicalAccessControl, #ECM Privately: #Photography, #RetroComputing, #HamRadio, #Sailing, #Running, #ProgRock, #Keyboards, #Synthesizer, #Kurzweil, #SoundEngineering
@rysiek @cypherpunks kind of a side note: your café of today is probably full of people instagramming every bun they eat and keep various discourses online while being physically present in that cosy interior, a hybrid of online/offline and the online part mostly public, I’d say.