Okay thank you! I will try that address as a fallback after trying to register at my parents. Last known is a business address so I don’t want to get removed on a technicality. Cheers
Thank you so much! I see ads for so many different routes but I’m wary these days because I know at least some of them are fraudulent
My belief is that this is an unhinged take.
… I kill people ch ch with guns.
When the time is right, I’d suggest we rename fort liberty after him.
A sizeable chunk is too busy surviving.
That’s an ominously round shapefile they used to mark the evacuation boundary…
Excellent usage of the word beclowning.
Is this a textured medium or is it just that detailed?
I too, get horny and tired during fieldwork.
In which our protagonists set the stage and learn some valuable lessons which led to the decision to use hemp instead.
What does a revanced manager do?
Okay, so here’s my first problem with the Twitter rebrand
I wonder how this will affect the roll-out of Chirpy in the new cities:skylines game. Thinking on it, the rocket launch system is already called ChripX… Paradox was ahead of the curve here.
Interestingly I saw this article recently from prince george about a woman being threatened with criminal charges for topless sunbathing in her back yard. Newer Canadian though, I don’t know the law well here; some nuance is given in the article.
It is the single AAA one! Awesome background info; I vaguely recall an incandescent version of one kicking around my dad’s garage when I was a kid… this definitely improves on that
I’m looking forward to the rise of code words to identify friendlies.
I read the whole thing, Thanks for the interesting post. Curious if there’s every going to be an analogue in the red dead franchise