Exactly! Cause then “maybe” they feel a bit more inclined to care for the interest/needs of poor folks
Exactly! Cause then “maybe” they feel a bit more inclined to care for the interest/needs of poor folks
Like Nietschze; I mean the official theory ist that he contracted syfilis as a young man and therefore later in his life ended up in an insane asylum; which of course was fathomable and apparently happend a lot in the end of the 19th century. I for myself kinda choose to stick to the theory that he just couldn’t take the world view he created for himself anymore and the ignorance of the vast majority, so that he also had something like a ‘nervous breakdown’ that landed him in such a place. But well, I guess that’s just trivia or the ramblings of another mad man… 😜cheers
Is he rubbing his nipples?
Right???!! It’s overdue. The should storm Antifa headquarters and pull Richard out of the main building to finally end this reckless attitude towards fascism!!
Dude,… it’s a bit more paradox than usual, BUT I take it!
…but the Ganja is still optional, right??!
Yeah, …if that even was Bin Laden at all. Those ‘admitting it’ videos shouldn’t bear any significance, especially today with all that fancy video sorcery
Was pondering the same kinda question when Osama bin Laden was accused to be the guy behind the 911 attacks. The Bush administration was pushing that terrorist threat narrative claiming Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. (that of course were never found) He was ultimately denied to go to war by Congress because of insufficient proof of that. So, how come an allegedly educated guy like ObL (that came from a good family with business ties to the Bush family) could not have foreseen that the 911 attacks would ultimately give Bush exactly what he wanted…? At that point he was already on the run. Shouldn’t he have known that an American invasion of Iraq would ultimately destabilise the Muslim world and give America further strategic advantages…?!! The outcome could in no way have suited someone considered to be a Muslim extremist, yes or no??!
saucage translates to pig cage btw; so there’s nothing wrong here…
The ‘fucking’ gays, not those that were still dressed though…
playing chords with barre grip- wait, let me just get my fingerlongers…
Damn, …and you both are wearing them like Profesionals! Kudos
I think there might be to few Users that engage with the content created to make the sorting by Top of the hour really meaningful. I am sorting by new and all at the moment to catch communities that are better attended. This is one of them many aspects where we still have to be patient. But I am new here and don’t know shit about shit, so…
Ich hab die Jerboa App für Lemmy und die ist schon verdammt ähnlich wie Infinity. Würde mich nicht wundern, wenn die den Source Code dafür tatsächlich von Infinity teils abgekupfert haben. Für mich ist Reddit gestorben. Da sind einige Subs, die leider unersetzbar scheinen, aber da müssen wir halt ein bisschen Geduld haben. Vllt für gewisse Themen/Communities auch außerhalb des Fediverse nach Ersatz suchen. Wird schon…!!
‘redact’ sagst Du; kannte ich noch nicht, hab aber auf jeden Fall schon Mal ein Bookmark gesetzt… :)
der “Macht was wir sagen, nicht was wir machen…” bs Aber naja, zur Not gibt’s ja immer noch https://safenote.co/
Genau. Die Arroganz und die Gier mal wieder!!. Zu glauben, dass Reddit ein unerschütterliches Monopol ist, welches man zur Gewinnmaximierung bis ins unendliche auslutschen kann, ist für mich auch schon der Dealbreaker. Und dazu kommt noch, dass ich die Infinity for Reddit App wirklich mochte. Schade. Hoffentlich schliesst Lemmy schnell genug auf, ohne dass da irgendwann sowas wie ein Bungee-Effekt aufkommt…
I hardly even do! … (Insert Eddie Murphy meme)