Pianist, writer, just a man of twenty-something years who likes technology but hates DRM for some reason. Icon by Anonymous.
Ubogi maček, no ve, kaj sleduje =)
What doctor “assumes” a baby’s sex? Shouldn’t the doctor know?
I wish all instances did. Sadly some have a growth mindset bigger than their own ego and don’t mind the Zuck’
Nice cropp, shitlor! Jokes aside, I feel like I’ve watched similar videos on there. Man, it really do be low…
Imagine having sex with hundreds of women. Can’t be me, can’t be you, or rather I don’t want anyone to be doin that
Oh shoot, I totally forgot about that one! I need to bookmark it =)
Yay, new version! The comment section looks snazzy, ngl
Yeah, it’s a joke. Please don’t sacrifice me to the VN gods
Well, Odysee isn’t in the Fediverse…
Say that to any parent over here
Right, well I’ve made up my mind. That said, how do you synchronise Discord with Revolt (or in your case Divolt)? I’ve found a program called Revcord, but the instructions are a little ambiguous (doesn’t help that English isn’t my first language).
Redditors be like, “leave my multibillion-dollar company alone…”
Res upam, da bomo dobili več članov v skupnosti. Verjamem, da prestavitev bo šla počasi, no seveda bo zanimivo imeti tudi instanco v slovenščini
Pozdravljeni! =)
Ah yes! I’m actually registered through that instance :)
In my defense, I prefer not to use proprietary software if I REALLY don’t have to
Makes sense, I can wait I just got here, after all
Jejhata, pozabu sem izvirnik: https://jagodibuja.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/266english-1024x181.jpg
Zelo majhn je strip ampak to je avtorjevo delo :)