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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 27th, 2021


  • I personally don’t understand why the loudness and dust pollution (which often also seems to be a bigger issue with bikes compared to cars as well) is much more regulated with bikes and cars, since a lot more people are suffering because of it compared to the “fun” for a few (assholes…).

    One way or the other, the future is likely electronic, and I hope that this will happen sooner than later… As when using electronic bikes these issues compared to cars turn around:

    • It’s more efficient than cars, because you don’t have these issues with high RPM etc. you have mentioned which is just inefficient combustion
    • Even more silent than electronic cars (and I really don’t like the argument, that these vehicles need to be loud for the safety of pedestrians, design goddamn infrastructure that is safe for them regardless of the noise the vehicles make, you may have some kind of automatic warning in the future if this is really relevant).

    Also issues like short battery life (or sluggish bike when using a big battery) will likely be solved incrementally in the future. In the meantime please (targeted to politicians) just regulate them slowly towards electronic bikes (e.g. allow only very silent new bikes, which is basically a death sentence to combustion, when very silent).

  • You can almost never say that something is not dangerous, unless it’s practically mathematically proven…

    This applies especially for food etc.

    I think we have to be much more conservative with food and substances we put into it. A lot of (Meta-)meta-studies suggest, that processed food is a health risk.

    And this may sound a little bit far-fetched, but I think a good amount of the idiocracy in (especially) the USA may be related to the food (as also a lot of studies have found connections to brain/psychological health).

  • Oh yeah, fuck those loud motorcycles (please just use an electric one, they are superior in almost every way by now (but cost…)). I don’t get how these assholes enjoy annoying everyone around them, especially when driving through highly populated areas.

  • expansive repositories

    That would be new for me. AFAIK Debian doesn’t have that many packages (compared to AUR or even nixpkgs (see https://repology.org/)). Regarding Flatpak: What packages do you need for a server with Flatpak? Desktop makes sense for me, but I haven’t yet had any use-case/package for server related software in Flatpak.

    I switched from Debian to NixOS for servers, 3 years ago, as I think it’s easier to maintain long-term (after being on Debian on servers for years). A new install (after EOL Debian support) often is a little bit more hassle and requires a longer downtime in my experience (apart from the lack of reproducibility and declarativeness and the sheer amount of software packaged and configured in nixpkgs).

  • Well I guess it depends how deep you’re in the rabbit hole already, I think it’s relatively easy for me at this point to create a new package (I’m maintainer already for quite a few). But yeah … steep learning curve … Less so with Nix itself, though non-the-less, it’s a simple functional programming language with a new paradigm (derivations). But rather NixOS/nixpkgs Nix magic. For example there’s a dynamic dependently typed type-system built on top of untyped Nix in the NixOS module system that is spin up on evaluation time.

    But I understand your point, at the beginning of my NixOS journey I have also rather created a “good enough” Dockerfile. Depending on the exact context I still do this nowadays (often because there’s an official well maintained docker image in comparison to a not so well maintained Nix one, and the context is too complex to maintain/develop/extend it myself). But if there’s a good solution in Nix I rather use that, and that is often less headache than setting up a service with e.g. docker-compose. I also use flakes mostly for a dev environment, if you’re a little bit deeper in it, you can spin up a relatively clean dev env in short time (I’m often copy pasting the ones I have written from different projects, and change the packages/dependencies).

  • Problem ist halt, dass bei großen Problemen wie Klimawandel oder Flüchtlingen nicht Hinz und Kunz mitentscheiden können.

    Auch das seh ich ein wenig “optimistischer”, wenn Hinz und Kunz sich wirklich mit dem Thema beschäftigen/einarbeiten muss, dann ist auch die Entscheidung fundierter, und sehr wahrscheinlich weniger von größeren Geldern/Lobby beeinflusst. Siehe Klimaräte (zu denen es mittlerweile viele Studien gibt). Unsere derzeitigen Politiker sind hier m.W. auch selten genug mit dem Thema vertraut.

    Meinst du die “mein Vater war Bergmann” Elite?

    Nur dass ich nicht missverstanden wurde, ich meine Leute die auf die “Elite”/Establishment schimpfen (also z.B. auch Afd, auch wenn die ironischerweise ziemlich genau das Gegenteil davon machen).

    Frankreich wäre da ein Beispiel


    Mit innovativer meine ich vor allem die Ergebnisse die aus Klimaräten entstanden sind, aber m.W. waren die Ergebnisse zu z.B. sozialen Problemen auch relativ gut.

  • As I said it has a steep learning curve and documentation is pretty much the nixpkgs repo itself (well after understanding the basics of Nix and NixOS at least, with the combination of the https://nixos.wiki mostly IMO). It also takes some time to get used to the quirks of NixOS (and understanding the necessary practical design decisions of these quirks).

    But I have nowadays seldom trouble with switching the generations (i.e. nixos-rebuild switch), unless you’re updating flake inputs or (legacy) channels (where e.g. a new kernel might be used). In that case it makes sense to reboot into the new configuration. Also, obviously that can lead to short down-times (including just restarting a systemd service, if a service has changed in between the generations), if that is unacceptable, there obviously needs to be a more sophisticated solution, like kubernetes via e.g. kubnix. I’m not sure how much of that can be achieved with Ansible, as I haven’t used it that much because I disliked the “programming” capabilities of the Ansible yaml syntax (which feels kinda hacky IMHO).

    But apart from NixOS, one can also just use Nix on a different system to e.g. deploy or create docker images (which can be really compact, as only the necessary dependencies for a package is packaged) that in turn could e.g. be managed with Ansible or something…

  • Honestly, unless you’re using Nix within something like docker images (Nix has great support for writing really minimal docker images) or use it to just build software (which is also a great use-case), I would rather go straight to NixOS, in my experience it’s a smoother experience than using Nix on a different distro and e.g. services (like standalone home-manager) .

  • phil_mtoLinuxMoving away from RHEL based distros, whats good ?
    2 years ago

    If you’re up for it: NixOS!

    It’s quite a steep learning curve, but after some time (after you’ve configured your “dream-system”) you don’t want to go back/switch to any different distro.

    Specifically servers IMHO are a great use-case for NixOS. It’s usually simpler to configure than a desktop distro, and less of the usual pain points of “dirty” software (like hardcoded dynamic libraries, that exist on most systems (ubuntu as reference) at that path).

    I’ve much less fear maintaining my servers with NixOS because of its declarative functional reproducability and “transactional” upgrade system, than previously (where I’ve used Debian mostly).

  • Hmm glaub ich nicht, ich denke man könnte viel ehrlicher und transparenter mit den Bürgern kommunizieren, stattdessen haben wir so etwas wie eine “Bundespressekonferenz” in der vorgekaut nur die halbe Wahrheit kommuniziert wird, und alle 4 Jahre eine Wahl in der ich (böse gesagt) zwischen Pest und Cholera mit einem einfachem Kreuz entscheiden darf.

    M.E. ist das (also im Generellen Indirektion, nicht nur die BPK natürlich) der hauptsächliche Grund warum Afd und co. so stark im Aufwind ist. IMHO: je indirekter die Politik, desto mehr züchtet man sich so etwas (und desto instabiler/undemokratischer wird die Demokratie).

    Man sieht das Ganze doch wunderbar an z.B. deliberativer Demokratie (momentan vor allem in Form von Bürgerräten (z.B. Klimarat), da gibt’s wunderbare Ergebnisse, die wesentlich näher (und effektiver) an dem sind, was der Konsens der Wissenschaft fordert, und gleichzeitig die Bürger viel mehr einbindet und dementsprechend mündigt.

    Wenn das Ganze so gestaltet ist, dass der Nährboden von “die Elite/ da oben” langsam entnommen wird, denke ich, dass da viel mehr möglich ist, sowohl was Stabilität der Demokratie, als auch Effektivität und Innovation der politischen Maßnahmen angeht.

    Sprich es braucht eine maßgebliche Anpassung der Demokratie an die Moderne (im Sinne bottom-up, deliberativ (Populismus minimierend)).

  • Hmm, to be fair, wir leben tatsächlich noch in einer Eiszeit (Vergletscherung ganzjährig, mindestens einer der Pole).

    Aber ja, ich stimme zu, ich bin in den Kommentarsektionen nicht mehr gerne unterwegs (um nicht allmählich depressiv zu werden). Kognitive Dissonanz zum Klimawandel wurde und wird erstaunlich erfolgreich lobbyiert. Es ist echt schade, dass nicht viel mehr Menschen (der Mainstream) versuchen sich auf Basis anerkannter wissenschaftlicher Artikel ein Bild zu machen und vor allem entsprechend zu handeln (und sich stattdessen lieber von Politik und Konzernen einlullen lassen).

  • phil_mtoLinuxX11 vs Wayland
    2 years ago

    I really hope they’ll fix it soon, I want to use wayland for years already, but there are still a lot of small issues, so that I have always gone back to X11 (like weird glitches, or no support for gammastep etc.)