Si no, quitas la magia al turista de norte de europa. Portugal y España son tan exóticos que solo puedes volar hasta ahí /s
My partner is a long time gamer on Windows. Her Win11 laptop doesn’t have the same performance as mine so I setup a gaming account for both.
I barely told her anything on how to “operate” it and after a couple of times she has no problem on her own.
Just now, I came back to the pc and see kwrite open with a message from her. Never told her how to do that. She just searched for “notepad” on the menu like she would on Windows.
Check if this applies to your machine
I work in Windows (company provided laptop) so on average I spend less time on my Linux PC. And I completely agree with you.
KDE as been my go-to desktop because of the familiarity. Some people argue that it has too much costumisation but the defaults give you everything to run a modern PC. While still allowing you to venture into the “terminal”.
Of course the there is also the stigma of Chinese government telemetry embedded in Deepin
So… it’s not worth it for the vast majority of people in the USA
Can we get a CSI style story detailing everything that happened between taking the joint and getting into a murderous craze, and also where dafuq did he get that marijuana? 🤣
Petition to ban all people who think differently from me
I think it’s from the time where things were done manually and round lines were a pain to draw. There wasn’t AutoCAD and undo features in a neat software 🤣
I’ve had the same path as you. Arch has been the simplest distro I’ve tried. And with archinstall it’s a breeze.
I’ve also found that Plasma 6 takes away most of the hassle with setting up a desktop - for my use case.
Been using a PC since Win 3.1 and it’s by far the most stable system I’ve ever had
Eu uso este
Eu não tenho nenhuma nas minhas notas, mas na página diz que tem suporte para imagens
I’ve been using the Asus BT400 without any issues in different distros. But I’d always recommend a cable mouse if you have a stationary setup
I’m Portuguese and I approve this message ;D
NixOS is the sort answer. It’s reproducible across hardware. But I’ve never tested it.
You don’t get an email with the meeting minutes?
“Most” is different from every non American Indigenous (which is the majority) is an alien in the USA. Of course, Europeans were the cause of that :)
I thought it was about the true story of how the USA was built