On boxing day we thought it was simple gastroenteritis, but she quickly deteriorated despite veterinary intervention. Scans showed nodules in her liver and a large number of lesions in her bowels, almost certainly cancer, but its effects had left her too weak to deal with the trauma of any operation that could have helped. We chose to put her down rather than make her live her remaining few weeks in pain and misery.
All dogs are the best dog, but she was far and away better than any other dog I’ve owned, patient, loving, and obedient to a fault. She loved a good life, full of runs, sticks, cuddles, and naps.
You will be sorely missed, Nell.

  • nfms
    9 days ago

    I empathize with you. My partner had one very similar to yours. She also had to make the tough call just recently, she deteriorated in a space of 2 weeks. She will forever live on in our memories and our hearts.