• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I wasn’t a black out drunk, mainly cause it didn’t take much to make me drunk, but I couldn’t stop once I started either. First I hold out on drinking during the week, then I’d have drinks on the evening, then a drink before work then decided to quit before it got further out of hand.

    I hope you find the motivation to quit cause honestly drinking is such a waste of time. I genuinely believe all you need is to believe you can.

  • I enjoy washing dishes, but only once I’ve started or when I don’t have to do it… So I try and trick myself into thinking I’ll just wash a few things, half-assing something is better than not doing it at all, right? I end up usually washing most or all of it anyway. I can do it scatterbrained, like wash some, dry some, put some away, wash a few more. I don’t have to focus on just washing. And I’ll sing along to the radio and look through the kitchen window and see what the dog is doing.

    I also put the dish washing liquid into a pump dispenser and inside the handle of the dish sponge to make the process easier.

  • I am managing and kind of not managing really. Recently quit smoking and vaping and went off coffee so my brain has been a bit frazzled. But it’s getting back to normal.

    Biggest help is working longer hours but fewer days and having my shift segmented so that I get downtime between busy hours. I do three days a week and on a workday don’t pressure myself to do any housework. On my days off I’ll catch up on sleep and housework.

    I also have a diagnosis for autism so to me it seems like I can manage some symptoms of my ADHD easier thanks to ASD. But I also then seek a simple life and don’t do anything much besides work and looking after my dog and my partner. I’ll go out when I’m on holiday.

  • You’ve seen right through me with this comment. So many clothes I feel awkward in and yet I know I’ll need them when I’ll struggle to do the laundry. And some clothes I feel like I could improve by removing that ruffle of the neckline or shortening the hemline.

    And of course the sewing machine needs adjusting so one doesn’t simply start sewing…

    Occasionally I admit defeat and have to throw out projects that just aren’t getting finished. And tell myself not to even start some, just give it away to someone who might like it as it is, and I think being able to control that impulse and admit my shortcomings is something.

    Less inventory definitely makes life easier, sharing a house or a flat meant I could only have my projects in one room, now they’re sprawling a bit again. I think I need to take my partner’s annoyance to heart and limit my project space to one corner.