• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • KeePass. Hab viele der hier genannten Apps durch und finde es mit Abstand am besten. Gibt verschiedene Mobile Apps und mit KeepassXC auch einen top Desktop Client für alle Plattformen.

    Sync funktioniert mit ungefähr allen Cloudanbietern reibungslos.

    Trenne dabei zwischen meiner Passwortdatenbank und meiner TOTP Datenbank und habe zwei verschiedene Apps dafür, weil mir die eine für OTPs besser gefällt.

    Edit: Finde besonders Toll, dass die Passwörter einfach in Form einer Datei gespeichert werden. So kann man das eigentliche Passwort-Management, aka KeePass Datei, vom Cloud Anbieter zum Synchronisieren trennen. Wechsel der KeePass App bzw. des Cloudanbieters wird dadurch trivial. Fast kein Lock-In.

  • I was in the same boat as you, i.e. using the GPU during my studies. My premise is to optimise the most frequent use case, i.e., deep learning.

    IMO going with NVIDIA will save you so much worries and frustration that it clearly outweighs the downsides of worse Wayland support compared with AMD.

    When you have tough university assignments/projects, you want to focus on the actual problem instead of debugging/compiling libraries for use with AMD. I am sure that with a bit of work many libraries can be made to work with AMD, but apparently it is still a pain oftentimes.

    So I strongly suggest choosing NVIDIA. Disclaimer: have not used AMD for deep learning yet, but have monitored the development of AMD support, because I would like to switch to AMD.

    Btw. I found Pop!OS to be very nice for both “regular” university work and all computer science tasks.

  • I agree with your statements. Based on my knowledge of German history as well as Kahnrmann’s “Thinking, Fast and Slow” I too think that language forms reality and is strongly related to tractable actions.

    However, regarding PCMR, one could certainly argue that the title is more meant like a meme. This might make it acceptable. Further, the meme-like character is in contrast to my aforementioned examples, which came from science and software engineering.

    So my point is, while one should treat language seriously, the notion of what is acceptable and what not strongly depends on context. In the case of PCMR, the presence of many younger kids should make us wary of our language, because they might not understand what is meant as a joke and what not.