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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023

  • goosehorse@livesound.worldtoLinuxWriting program
    9 months ago

    I wrote almost all of my grad school work in Vim and Emacs/Evil, in a non-compsci field! It was fantastic for editing, and I used pandoc to automate proper formatting, citations, and bibliographies for my papers and thesis. 10/10 would recommend to someone who is tech savvy or has a tangential interest in programming.

  • I grew up in a musical family and church environment where I had access to instruments and audio consoles and such.

    Later, I was in a shitty high school rock and roll band, and did a little bit of guerilla home recording. I also organized some live events that were basically house shows.

    In college (for an unrelated field), I worked the console for an easy, weekly show for a semester or two. After graduate school (in the same, unrelated field), I had some time to kill while figuring out my next move. My old neighbor was the audio engineer at a local venue, and after some work convincing that person, I was taken on as the intern. A short time later, I started working gigs around town and moving up the chain at the venue where I started.

    So, I learned production the old-school way, like an apprentice. I had the benefit of picking up a weekly, low-stakes gig early on where I gained a lot of experience and got to make mistakes. I also had the benefit of a formal education that really helped out with the communication and organizational aspects.

    Basically, through several twists of fate, I’m now a full-time, professional audio engineer/production manager. I’m now dipping my toes into the studio side, and doing some post-production work at home using the knowledge I’ve gained in the live sound world and, critically, with the help of friends and colleagues I’ve had the good fortune of meeting along the way.

    TLDR: Sheer, dumb luck. Study hard and be kind to people. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes and DIY.

  • Going to vote out our welfare-thieving, shitbird governor. I don’t necessarily like the dem option, but he’s better than what we’ve got.

    I’m excited to vote for the lady running against our flappy-headed, overgrown fratboy of a state house rep.

    It’ll be a miracle if either of these races shake out the way I hope they do, but the odds are better than usual!

  • That’s a really cool solution with the Bluetooth receiver! I fortunately don’t have to play music from my own device too often — I was just shaking my fist at the clouds lol

    Agreed about proprietary nonsense, for sure. I know I could have it much worse, since I’ve at least got a good ol’, normal USB-C port, and, as you mentioned, we aren’t living in the bad old days before at least some standardization came along.

  • I’m a live sound engineer, and whenever I need to play music from my phone over the PA, I now have to dig out yet another goddamn adapter to do so. A tour manager or road engineer with an apple device wants to play tunes over the house PA? Hope they have their own adapter, because my “universal” USB-C adapter won’t cut it.