I should have clarified that I was referring to “Restart” rather than “Shut Down” because I’m not aware of how frequently people actually “Shut Down” their devices. My intention was to ask: How often would you need to physically press the power button when the functionality of turning the device on and off is accessible through software?
On another note, I think the amount of attention posts like this get is a pretty clear indication of how deep Apple hate truly runs. I’m fine with Apple, more of a Linux person myself, but stuff like this makes me shrug my shoulders. Only Apple could garner this much attention for putting the power button in a weird spot on a tiny desktop that nobody complaining about it would buy even if it was on top of the device.
Unless your computer has issues, can’t you just power off from within macOS?
JPEG XL support in Waterfox is nice.
The fact that iPhones are getting this before Android phones without Google Play Services tells you all you need to know about the nature of RCS. Android has lost all of its intrigue and fun in favor of becoming GoogleOS
Hey Blue - this isn’t release 2.2.0-A. This is just plain PSY 2.2.0 - 2.2.0-A will come later ;)
You need VideoToolbox for this particular tool because it calls the VideoToolbox library from within FFmpeg in order to encode the video.
“Why do I need x264 to encode H.264 in FFmpeg?” is essentially what you’re asking. FFmpeg needs VideoToolbox support to work with my tool.
If you’re asking why I chose to use VideoToolbox in the first place, it was because I want this to be a macOS-specific tool with very fast encoding speeds at decent fidelity per bit. Hardware accelerated video encoding is one way to make this happen.
vt-enc calls FFmpeg which calls the VideoToolbox encoding framework. Without VT, ffmpeg commands will fail
VideoToolbox is the encoder that FFmpeg links to.
Filesystem compression is dope.
Thanks for the helpful advice! Shellcheck is the best :)
Edit: How do I get the ANSI escape colors to appear with the cat << EOF syntax?
Royalty-free blanket patent licensing is compatible with Free Software and should be considered the same as being unpatented. Even if it’s conditioned on a grant of reciprocality. It’s only when patent holders start demanding money (or worse, withholding licenses altogether) that it becomes a problem
I’m pretty much all BTRFS at this point
JPEG-XL is in no way patent encumbered. Neither is AVIF. I don’t know what you’re talking about
No, there aren’t any licensing issues with JPEG-XL.
YouTube serves VP9 video (and more recently a lot of AV1) and I think the Pis only have hardware accelerated decoding of H.264/5 as it stands today
Minecraft is arguably & measurably more performant on Linux, full stop. Anything using OpenGL performs better on Linux, check any Minecraft benchmark online.
Also, a lot of towns/cities remove those romantic locks regularly anyway.
Zig could use your help I think. Give it a look