Ways of Seeing is a 1972 television series of (four) 30-minute films created chiefly by writer John Berger and producer Mike Dibb.
This is American Exceptionalism, and I won’t stand for it. This is like that “they trained them wrong on purpose … as a joke” meme. The ruling class has subdued many people with a maelstrom of bullshit politics, and the only sound strategy is to shatter these exceptionalist brain worms and actually do real analysis of the political economy.
leftist : anti-capitalism :: liberal : pro-capitalism
Why is this so hard for some radlibs to understand? I think it is all the propaganda they passively consume.
east: eat the fist
west: taking the pist
There are a lot of photoshopped posters with a similar style, but they are mostly photographic. Maybe run one of those through a painting filter?
pretty funny that tibet.net is registered in India
The TPSA authorizes a number of appropriations for Tibet and Tibetan related issues including (not less than) $8 million for Tibetan communities in the Tibet Autonomous Region and in other Tibetan communities in China; $6 million for Tibetan communities in India and Nepal; $3 million to strengthen the capacity of Tibetan institutions and governance in exile; over $3.4 million and $4 million respectively for Voice of America’s and Radio Free Asia’s reporting on Tibet and Tibetans; $1 million for Office of the United States Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues, among others.
Trump and Biden have both signed over millions in US money to run these propaganda sources.
this why you got to remember to lox thru the pretzel frame smh
The measure at issue is known as the “outbound investment” provision. We have heard for years about the problem of manufacturing businesses shipping jobs overseas to China, with its low worker wages and low environmental standards. China typically forces businesses wanting to locate factories in its country to transfer their technology and intellectual property to Chinese firms, which can then use that to undercut competitors in global markets, with state support.
This paragraph is dripping with liberal hypocrisy on so many levels.
this blue to orange color trend in cinema is getting out of hand
Capitalist insulin manufacturers:
we have a permanent revenue stream for a live saving medicine, and we can raise prices and they still have to buy it because otherwise they will die
Chinese scientists:
seize the means of your own insulin production with this one simple trick
I am a dialectal materialist, not an idealist.
Keep sending weapons and protectors for the genociders. That’s a very effective strategy.
Real leftists understand that ending a genocide will require more than asking nicely and sending more weapons. Must sound completely unhinged to the libs.
So how many innocent blockade runners have died vs innocent civilians been genocided?
Stop doing a genocide.
Stop blockading the genociders!
You first.
So one vs 42,000 and counting. Quite logical.
Doing more to stop a genocide than the western powers sending weapons.
How many war crimes on balance?