Rules based international order, indeed!
So no one has to change anything physically? Just tax and poof? Neat trick.
You don’t realize how severe the spanking is though…
ASD being autism spectrum disorder and that flow breaking is an issue for people on the spectrum?
There is an issue of scale in that series. The first three are relatively small cost fixes. Addressing global climate change requires fundamentally reconfiguring all industry, globally at the very least. That’s orders of magnitude more costly than the first three fixes. And it’s orders of magnitude more difficult to get done politically, and engineering-wise.
But beyond that it may require massive reductions in consumption, trade and transportation. Possibly even short term remediation efforts like sprinkling silver dust in the stratosphere, which is estimated to cost in the hundred trillion dollar range.
I like that your comment shows that progress can be made against entrenched powerful interests though.
China states that it is to cut off supply for military applications. More likely it was a tit-for-tat response to the CHIPS act. Cut China off from the most advanced chips, they cut the US off from the raw materials to make chips.
If it is actually about military applications that’s more worrisome. US generals have predicted war with China in the near future as a foregone conclusion.
Trade war is one thing. Military conflict between the two global superpowers would be disastrous.
Until they got a taste for skin and things took a dark turn.
Putin is openly anti-communist.
What about the fact that many large VPNs are owned by (the same) ad companies / data mining companies? Despite the technical discussion, aren’t we ultimately placing our trust in the hands of the untrustworthy?
If it happened to billionaire submariner, it will happen to billionaire spaceman.
I’m in too deep on Dome Keeper. It’s a good little game.
He was smoking the reefer, too! He sold that film for drug money.
You can still be a middle-aged Tiktok star complaining about the high prices compared to the good old days.
That option remains. Seize it. Dominate the airwaves. Organize a rebellion.
Alive oil comes from the fountain of youth. For a canister that’s a great deal!
Geekandmisandry. Misandry ie. someone who hates men.
Well at least you’re open about it. Many aren’t when they attack men.
Here’s the thing about “toxic masculinity”. Some people are toxic. Women and men tend to express that toxicity in different ways. Attacking an entire gender for the behaviour of the worst is stereotyping.
More broadly it’s part of the modern notion that we are on teams and that the other team is bad.
Tariffs can be paid by the export country, indirectly. They usually have to lower the price of the commodity to make it competitive under tariffs.
Under Fordist economics the domestic industrial boost would lead to increased wages and buying power.
Under neoliberalism the domestic industrial capitalists gain a larger market share and then don’t pay their workers more. Then they are faced with the problem of what to do with products that are unaffordable.
Friendly reminder that VOA, aka Voice of America, is a subsidiary of the US Agency for Global Media. It was established to convince people in the Soviet sphere that the US was better in every way. It continues that mission with America’s allies and enemies today.
The process of opening up a country’s media space is integral to getting those State department messages in there.
DDT is an extreme way to get rid of mosquitos. Seal up the gaps in your window screens. Keep the bedroom door closed. It’s working for me during mosquito season on the subtropical island where I live.
I realize I’m giving advice to a comic about a banned chemical.
There’s a strong Italian influence in the character names, which are often quirky, pun filled, and dirty. I feel like the movie could be a Renaissance Italy sex comedy a la 70s horror films, but with a comedic twist. Like Suspiria or Vampyros Lesbos, but comedic.