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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • As someone who’s done it I’ll tell you it’s worth it. Sure, you get some real bumpkins out there. They can be rough but they’re mostly friendly. Some of them are stupid, but that’s anywhere. They’re usually simpler for sure, and the pace is slower, and the rules are more lax, and that can be hard getting used to, but once you’re used to it, no traffic and your amazon packages are still on your doorstep waiting for you.

    Just avoid tweaker towns, which is harder than it sounds.

  • I don’t really agree, cars are for moving people around. People can move themselves around. Trucks are for moving things, they’re tools. I have a truck, I need it. Not all the time, but enough of the time that I have one. It doesn’t make sense for me to have 2 cars so I just drive it. Although I do agree they’re getting too fucking big. I’ve got an older heavy duty pickup truck and the thing is the size of a new “small” pickup, it’s a bit absurd.

  • The internet is fine.

    Listen. The era of algorithms and automated aggregators and what not feeding you endless interesting content is over. Before that we read blogs, we shared them on Usenet and IRC, we had webrings. We engaged in communities and the content we were exposed to was human curated. That is coming back. If we can quit it with the hackernews bot spam on Lemmy, it can be one of those places. You need to find niche forums that interest you that are invite only and start talking to people. The future of the internet is human.

  • betwixthewires@lemmy.basedcount.comtoMemesI'll get there one day.
    9 months ago

    One of the big problems with communism is that economic prosperity is framed fundamentally as a zero sum game. When that’s a foundational axiom of the system you build you wind up not building systems of growth, only of redistribution. It has rippling effects throughout the culture and the philosophy of a nation that attempts it.

  • I’m with you on most of that. But I think the problem is more fundamental: the money devalues at a rate of 2-5% a year.

    Think about it. Why wouldn’t the wealthy just hoard money? Because you can’t just hoard money. It devalues. You have to monetize other assets. So they buy real estate, with money they made from you when prices go up but your wages haven’t gone up yet. They benefit from the cantillion effect and in the process siphon wealth from the bottom. and as they accumulate non-money assets, that effect compounds because the prices go up some more. The wealth gap, all of this, it stems directly from our inflationary monetary system. Their trick is that they get to fuck with the money.