• 12 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • It’s basically single of the year and album of the year.

    From Wikipedia:

    Record of the Year is awarded for a single or for one track from an album. This award goes to the performing artist, the producer, recording engineer and/or mixer for that song. In this sense, “record” means a particular recorded song, not its composition or an album of songs.

    Song of the Year is also awarded for a single or individual track, but the recipient of this award is the songwriter who actually wrote the lyrics and/or melodies to the song. “Song” in this context means the song as composed, not its recording.

    Album of the Year is awarded for a whole album, and the award is presented to the artist, songwriter, producer, recording engineer, and mastering engineer for that album. In this context, “album” means a recorded collection of songs (a multi-track LP, CD, or download package), not the individual songs or their compositions.

  • Overall I think it the visual refresh throughout the is very nice.

    I have 2 major gripes:

    I really like being able to quickly swipe around to different watch faces. This should be brought back with a control center toggle. So those who get lots of accidental swipes can lock it down. Sometimes I would get them too but not as frustrating as the loss of quick swipe for me.

    Second, the changes implemented as a result of widgets. Getting to widgets is just a simple swipe up! Oh also just a simple scroll up with the crown! Why does this need two different ways to access from the watch face? This has resulted in loss of old function on the side button. It also has resulted in loss of function with the Digital Crown: for example on the metropolitan face you could play with the height of the numbers with the crown.

  • Hi there! Yes I posted some pictures of paint repair. I finished painting it back in the end of June. I then took a vacation through a huge hunk of July and got back to it in August.

    I wound up putting a fender vmod pick up in because I found them prewired to a wiring harness. My soldering isn’t great though I might give it a try one day. I really like their sound. It’s pure Pbass tone to me. From what I read some don’t care for the different magnets across to the two halves of the pick up.

    It has Hipshot at the top and bottom. HB7s up top mainly because I thought that fender necks came predrilled to accept fender MIM tuners which HB7s can drop in for. Would have gone for their ultralites if I knew better. I am pretty pumped to have the lollipop keys on there. The bridge is a kickass bridge.