middle-aged single dad from regional australia

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • mu hu huahahahahahahaha that’s the best bit - it’s not mine either. i’m the goofy and absurd dad that all my son’s mates like, because when they see me i always start talking ridiculous bullshit that cracks them up laughing. i’v always been like that tho, smiling and joking right up to a certain point and then just stop and put my foot down. my favourite way that it’s been described to me is that i’m like one of those padded clubs from the simpsons episode where they get family counselling and drain Springfield’s power grid. that was a good line i gotta admit

  • oh wow man, that’s a massive step - well done!

    i finally spent the time and wrote a good long explanation of things from my point of view and what was motivating me for the users of that sub to read, along with my two-week notice. if someone wants to take over from me then i’ll mod them up like what you did, but otherwise i’m planning on sticking around until the API changes go into effect, shutting the sub down for multiple days each week so that it still hits the suits for a third of their advertising revenue, then when it’s all done and nobody’s replaced me i’ll put the sub into restricted and lock it right the fuck down otherwise, remove myself as a mod, and just walk off into the sunset

    huffman’s been huffing his farts too much. can’t wait to see the look on his face when he realises that his servers worth millions of dollars can be replaced with something like ten grand of pooter parts, which if you think about what nerds are like it’s basically guaran-fucking-teed, but he’s too busy huffing farts and thinking that his shit don’t stink