Wait, there have been people locked in there for years?
Every day I learn all the more why the US had 9/11 coming.
Wait, there have been people locked in there for years?
Every day I learn all the more why the US had 9/11 coming.
Just Belgian bourgeois quirkiness. These are the same people that held indigenous Congolese in essentially a zoo to display at the Berlin World’s fair, including young children, in 1958, fucking 1958!
Hallo mede Nederlander
This would be really interesting.
I think the fact that 1/4 of the entire population of the DPRK is a member of the WPK is very telling of their efforts to put control directly into the hands of the working class. It is the biggest portion of the population in the ruling party of any communist country that I’m aware of. Combine that with the continuous decrease in centralised power of their most powerful political figures, and you’ve got one hell of an example of the gradual process of withering away of the state. Even in times where the dictatorship of capital is still the status quo.