• 1 Post
Joined 11 个月前
Cake day: 2023年7月2日

  • Percentage of total for each generation. Your assumption of this info is that we should add them together. But if you look at the opposite numbers (percentage of those not identifying as LGBT+) you get 97% + 96% + 93% + 84% + 72% giving us a grand total of 442%.

    Obviously you can’t have more than 100% of anything but it does illustrate that addition is not the method we should be using.

    Instead we average them. Giving us 11.6% of the total population identifying as LGBT+.

    The real information we’re seeing is that the amount of those who identify as LGBT+ increase with every generation.

  • Percentage of total for each generation. Your assumption of this info is that we should add them together. But if you look at the opposite numbers (percentage of those not identifying as LGBT+) you get 97% + 96% + 93% + 84% + 72% giving us a grand total of 442%.

    Obviously you can’t have more than 100% of anything but it does illustrate that addition is not the method we should be using.

    Instead we average them. Giving us 11.6% of the total population identifying as LGBT+.

    The real information we’re seeing is that the amount of those who identify as LGBT+ increase with every generation.

  • Yeah first episode was shit.

    I liked how they bypassed Sokka’s sexism and made it more about his insecurities with his dad and what it means to be a man.

    I liked how Katara’s fight with Paku and her ability to lead all of the female waterbenders made her a master in his eyes which lead to him telling the teens to find Master Katara.

    I like how all the previous Avatars have baggage about doing things alone or being vicious. It forces Aang to find his own path instead of following someone elses path. He no longer needs to live up to the previous Avatars, he just needs to be his own Avatar.