• 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: April 19th, 2021


  • TenkardtoAsklemmyHow do you think independently?
    22 days ago

    Read books, it’s the poor people version of traveling to broaden your mind. Sometimes even more effective since some things cannot be experienced irl. They don’t need to be recent, the old classics are good. Think about the moral/ethics/philosophies you want to live your life on, then you can interpretate events according to those.

  • Fingers crossed for this.

    1. Don’t really care, usually it’s just “nice to have”
    2. Better to have a working game at launch
    3. An “alive” world is made of stuff like this so I’m happy for these
    4. All open world games should have good modding support, not everything can be Skyrim but modders can fix bugs and extend the game lifetime by a good amount
    5. I remember waiting 15/30 minutes for this game to load with my matrox g400 ;D jokes aside the best part of Gothic for me was the faction characterization, all with their path, their philosophy etc. Also the world felt very alive at the time

  • It’s a combination between KDE 6 and Wayland, which required support in the Nvidia drivers. I remember running Nvidia on KDE 5 and had zero issues compared to now, but we’ll just have to wait. Some issues are just configuration changes that needs to be implemented by the distro mantainers (literally a one line fix on a conf file which was communicated by KDE but not picked up)

  • I do it manually, but I don’t have a lot of dependencies. Download the main package, install it, check the error message for the package it needs, download the new package, install the main package again… For python stuff pip download will also get the dependencies. Maybe you can use the Debian website since it lists the package dependencies and allows you to download from the website the deb files. You can probably automate with a bash script some stuff.