• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I haven’t personally played since the expansion was released because I recognized that I wanted a break and wasn’t having fun. I do recognize, though, why others would feel trapped by playing the game. There are triumphs and story missions that are time limited. The seasonal story will disappear and then there’s the social aspect and feeling like you’re falling behind in your social circles.

    I feel like it’s a tad hypocritical to say “Don’t like the game? Take a break/quit then and stop complaining” and then in the other breath go “I can’t stand the Destiny community and all of it’s complaining, so all criticism is invalid.” You can stop interacting with the Destiny community if you wish (or go on the low sodium variants) just as easily as a player could just stop playing the game.

    I am not done with D2, but the fun and excitement around the game really has waned since 2022. I think this mainly has to do with all my friends no longer playing as I am a very social gamer, so I am not really interested in grinding for guns for a small stat boost that I won’t even notice because I don’t play high level content anymore.

    That’s 100% where I am right now too