• 1 Post
Joined 10 个月前
Cake day: 2023年7月27日

  • Of course! I’m too deep into Linux now, and how could I switch back to the old ways when the Linux community is just so incredibly kind like this :P

    About the search tip, I read somewhere that Bazzite is a skin of a skin of a skin. So in general I’ll remember to search for the upstream base if I can’t find anything, got it.

    Oh and seriously, please don’t search for the other three, I know how tedious it can be and you’ve helped more than enough. I even got NordVPN working thanks to your link, so I’m more than satisfied! Armed with this new knowledge I’ll do the rest myself, and I was also planning to switch to ProtonVPN anyways, that’s one way of solving it :) But again, a huge thank you for helping me out!

  • Hey!

    So I’ve managed to find the time and install tlp and I’m already hugely grateful for that. You were right, and it was really just as easy as typing “sudo rpm-ostree install tlp” and it worked just like it would with apt or dnf. 1/5 done!

    But sadly the other ones weren’t so easy.

    • Goverlay gives an error when using rpm-ostree, and the installation via tarball required qt6pas which I didn’t manage to install correctly. Edit: After trying the same exact rpm-ostree a second time it…worked! But no idea what just happened. 2/5!!
    • “Razer laptop control project” requires some packages (libdbus-1-dev libusb-dev libhidapi-dev libhidapi-hidraw0 pkg-config libudev-dev) that rpm-ostree isn’t able to find.
    • Auto-cpufreq uses an installer that exited with an error about the package “cairo” not being found (or rather, it being inactive). Installing it via rpm-ostree didn’t change that…
    • NordVPN for Linux uses a weird sh command that exited with the code “rpm-ostree: Dropping privileges as ‘rpm’ was executed with not ‘known safe’ arguments.” I couldn’t find anything on the internet about adding those arguments.

    I’ve basically accepted my fate and given up on these last three programs, and it’s largely my fault for wanting to install stuff that hasn’t been made to work on an OS like Bazzite just yet. But maybe you can spot a rookie mistake or something that might help me again! Regardless of that, a huge thanks for your help and I’m glad I’ve got some programs to work while also learning something new along the way :)

  • Just wanted to chime in and give a +1 to Anytype. While I haven’t self-hosted the backup node and I can’t help you with that just yet, the fact that a free, P2P decentralized, end-to-end encrypted and source-available notes app like Anytype even exists is awesome!

    I’d be curious to see if you manage to get the backup node up and running 👀

  • Painfinity@lemmy.dbzer0.comto /0@lemmy.dbzer0.comBased on recent events
    21 天前

    Hey db0 and mods!

    Since you’re just humans and we never know if the insults are slowly getting to you or you’re just having doubts, I want to give a voice to the lurkers in here and reiterate one thing: I feel exceptionally well taken care of in this instance! I’m extremely happy to be a part of it, I don’t even know what a downtime is and I don’t see much drama or toxicity if any at all. I’m simply loving Lemmy (yes, seriously!), I’m loving my time on it and I can just focus on following the communities I’m passionate in, which is the main point of Lemmy. I’m also aware that this does not happen without considerable hard work from the people behind it. So while I’m sure most of it goes unnoticed, I hope to at least convey with this that it’s not taken for granted or unappreciated in the slightest bit. A very big thanks to you all (and I try to donate where I can) <3

    As for my personal experience, whenever a hexbear post makes it into my feed it’s mostly an overly aggressive political take or straight up trolling. It reminds me of the League of Legends kind of humour: It’s supposed to be a joke, but it’s not explicitly spelled out that it’s a joke and it attacks the individual. It’s a mix of aggressive trolling and just straight up toxicity. You just never know if you’re supposed to take it serious or not. But I personally like to have a choice if I eventually want to block them or not, and I feel like having a choice is one of the common threads between FOSS, Linux, the fediverse, self-hosting, piracy and so on.

    But, while I do appreciate this, it isn’t crucial to my experience on Lemmy. So, if at any time this balance is taking too much of a toll on you guys, it wouldn’t be a big deal for me if we would “lose contact” with hexbear. Last thing I want is to slowly cook your sanity bit by bit, with each passing day a bit more, over something that is frankly not that important. I’d rather prefer you focus on what you love doing, be that doing technical stuff, improving the instance, memeing around, learning new stuff or simply discussing things with other people in peace. Life is much too short to argue with people, and over the internet it’s even worse!

  • Hey!

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but Joplin has all of what you’re asking for and if you self-host, even a few more big things like note sharing and note collaboration.

    As for multiple users: You can have multiple users (“Profiles”) locally inside the app, or if you mean different accounts altogether, you can indeed have and manage them all in your own self-hosted Joplin server instance. Again, Joplin has collaboration and that necessarily entails more than one user/account! But we might mean two different things, happy to help in either case :P

    Edit: added collaboration.

  • My fellow self-hosting noob, I gotchu!

    Here are three solutions that are easy as pie:

    1. Keep using Syncthing, but add additional devices to that folder to ensure one is always online and ready to receive and sync.
      • Pro: You can use an old laptop, a PC at home, your parent’s phone and so on. It’s like your own torrent network, as long as one peer is online it will always be synced.
      • Con: Your notes will be on those devices too. But in my personal experience Joplin notes don’t take much space and as for privacy, you can always E2EE them.


    1. Use a different sync method that uses an always-on server for guaranteed sync.
      • I used Nextcloud for half a year and it worked flawlessly. I used the free 8GB hosting that tab.digital offers. Maybe give them a try again?
      • Alternatively, for an even faster experience (almost “Joplin server” levels of speed), use the S3 sync method in combination with Storj.io. They give you 25GB of free, decentralized, open-source, E2EE storage. You can DM me you need help setting up the S3 “bridge” with Joplin but it’s fairly easy.
      • You could also use OneDrive or Dropbox and encrypt your notes end-to-end first, but let’s assume you want to try to move away from closed-source services, not the opposite. Although the thought of making them pay the electricity bills without giving them your data can be quite amusing :P


    1. Use Elfhosted.
      • It’s a newcomer in the “managed self-hosting” space that specializes in installing and setting-up all kinds of open-source software on a server for you. For some it’s not really self-hosting since you don’t have root access to the server, but at least it’s not “Google Drive” levels of control and we’re trying to get away from that. The guys at Elfhosted give you 10$ for free (no payment method required) to use on all of their offerings and as luck would have it, they also offer a Joplin server instance. The Joplin server instance costs 0.05$ a day, meaning that with those initial 10$ you could try it out for 6 months for free. As far as I can tell, at that price it can’t be beaten, not even by a VPS. I used it two weeks ago and had no issues. You even get cool features like note sharing, multiple users and note collaboration. Or, always with Elfhosted, you could just use a Syncthing instance that’s always-on, although they price that at 0.10$ a day.


    P.s. There’s a Joplin community on Lemmy too, at !joplinapp@sopuli.xyz. Happy syncing!

    Edit: Hell, here’s a fourth solution: Just use something like the FOSS app Round Sync and set it up so that it backs up your local Syncthing folder to a cloud of your choice (like those mentioned above) every 24h, or 2h, or even every 15 minutes. That way, once you come home and power on your laptop, your phone will automatically sync all your notes via Syncthing, but in the event that you lose your phone, you will have a “checkpoint” as recent as you want it to be. This way, you don’t have to change your current setup and at the same time you’re prepared in case something bad does happen. And in my case seeing that “Joplin Notes: Backup Completed” notification every 24h is something beautiful.

  • Yes it does work with 3rd party add-ons too!

    Stremio web > log-in with your account > all your extensions should automagically be installed in your Stremio web. Then open the content you like and share the link in the address bar.

    It’s the same on the recipient’s side: They will be able to see the stream you shared, but since they’re guests at first they won’t have any additional add-on installed apart from the opensubtitles add-on that is preinstalled on every account. If you want them to have a specific add-on on top of the stream, they will have to install it on their end first (no account required), then press on your link. Or they can just create an account, install the add-ons once and they’ll always have them ready for when you send them the link. Or you just give them your account and they’ll have all your same add-ons instantly. If you need help troubleshooting something, you can DM me.

    P.s. I’m sure you could set-up a native Stremio server, give your friends access through a VPN, share your Plex or other solutions. But you asked for a way to share your Stremio content through a link and this is the fastest way possible.