Markor is absolutely amazing. Pair it with syncthing.
Find it will mentained on play, froid and github
Markor is absolutely amazing. Pair it with syncthing.
Find it will mentained on play, froid and github
Last i looked into it, joplin had a bug which ment syncthing didnt work . Can’t remember the details but the solution was pinning an old version.
I am much much happier with markor notes + syncthing.
Super sinple, 100 % foss, sync what you want .
Thx. Interesting. But a bit to expensive.
Is there really no watch i can just connect to my pc and transfer data?
On android opentracks, fitotracks etc are great applications.
Yes. But thats not word. Thats something else entirely which atleast my employer would never use (security, long term support, offline, integration with 3rd parties etc)
Disagree. E.g. Word typography is not as advanced as LibreOffice. And words document master is buggy as hell.
But yes. Excel can handle big files now. Still sucks at im- and exporting different csv formats…
But… Because it’s integrated so we’ll with windows, is faster most of the time.
In reality: of course word should be a better program and it does get lots of loving from redmond. Only because: if no new features, no new sales. And since word is mostly a solved problem, redmond invented new problems…
Working with a LO user and a sub par program always beats working with a word user who can’t use styles, review, and merge documents.
I consider myself long time noob ;)
Fedora for me because it’s rock solid, has cutting edge software, excellent documentation.
I,ve been updating the same installation more than 15 times i think.
Against: selinux is often overlooked when following guides written for Debian / ubuntu. So sometimes you pull out your hair.
On the other hand. Podman is supposedly the new favorite kid on the block. Fedora is on the front here
If I remember correctly, I chose ravio over freeotp because the later lacked:
Jokes on me.
Tak. Fedt kabinet… Jeg startede i sin tid med en laptop ved fjernsynet, men det larmede for meget. Chromecast opfylder et andet formål oplever jeg.
Ja. Det er vel så android / google tv vi begge er skuffet over. Kun indirekte Chromecast? Men nvidia er vist væsentligt dyrere? Og kører nvidia ikke også android / Google tv?
Anyways. Vi havde chromecast i forvejen.
How do you do that? Monero is one of few coins that interested me back in the day, so I am not a hater at all. But adoptation is very much lacking, and i I have no idea how you but groceries with xmr.
Yes. Jeg har set at folk brokker sig over mangel på lagerplads. Men jeg tror squ ikke jeg rammer grænsen. Men hvem ved…
Din ser mere lækker (mindre) ud end den jeg lige nu hælder til. Til gengæld lidt dyre og kan ikke levere så meget strøm. Omvendt er den på lager ;)
Tusind tak. Jeg går nok med din model :)
Syncthing can backup your photos on Android.
I am not sure this script will help. But I actually have a lot of cue/bin files from back when I ripped my cd collection. If I remember correctly, I played them through mediamonkey (ape files) or foobar. Windows user then… Most CD’s are either lost or in the back of the attic somewhere. I consider the files dead, but havent deleted them yet. I use plex which can’t play cue/bin files. This script might make my old cd collection come alive again…
This is definitely the right answer.
Det virker virkeligt godt. Fedt. Tak.
Well. I have used for ages… Guess that will continue?