Rose Thorne(She/Her)

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • Thomas Wayne loses half his fortune in the divorce, and keeps losing more in child support. His depression keeps growing, he can’t bring enough in. He can’t do anything.

    Alfred retires. There’s no place for him anymore. He later hears about his old boss eating the double barrel. He attends the funeral , quietly wishing the man had just asked him. He would’ve been kinder.

    Martha lives a lavish lifestyle, leaving Bruce to the side. He gets a common man’s education, common work. The death of his father still haunts him, that final moment when the young boy peaked into the casket burned into his mind.

    He decides no one should go through this. There has to be a better way. He doesn’t have much, can barely keep food on the table for just himself, but he stays up late, working. Learning. Getting better.

    One morning, he goes into the sanitation department where he works, and informs them he’s quitting at the end of the day. He has a new dream, one that’s going to take all his time.

    A month later, his old coworkers are out on the job, and what do they see? Bruce Wayne, Marriage Councilor.

    He beats the couples until they agree to remain together. He dies penniless, alone, and destitute, having never succeeded.

  • Now look, you didn’t just post Scrooge. This looks to be Kingdom Hearts 2 Scrooge.

    Yes, he’s a capitalist bastard who needs plucked and done up in orange sauce, but let him finish that Sea Salt ice cream thing. Then we do him up, and have ice cream worth being shoved from the roof of a clock tower because your life is a lie and a failure.

  • Not with Trek, but I’m a former stagehand and I’ve done amateur stagework. Spent a lotta time building and maintaining sets and props. I’ve been there.

    You’re backstage, you’ve got how everything should look memorized, it’s all set up, and for a moment, while it’s just you and that dry run, you forget yourself. You’re a part of the show.

    Eventually you step back, remember it’s all fake. You notice the little flaws, notice the floor isn’t just right under your feet. You were tired, trying to get something done. A lapse.

    I genuinely believe in the magic of the stage. Not in the sense of a spell, but of the ritual. No matter if it’s on a screen, or in person, if you do it right, we let go. For a moment, we forget our world and step into another.

  • My friend, do yourself a favor and invest in a proper grinder. You can find pocket grinders with a kief catch for like $15. That catch will be your friend during the hard times. Let it build until you need it, and never clean that shit unless it is into your apparatus of choice.

    ETA: Clean the grinder teeth, not the catch. Just knock it into the catch with a toothbrush before you do. Sometimes you can scrape some extra goodness up, but it sucks using a gummed grinder. Should be able to grind in one smooth motion, not too much resistance.