• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The same will also happen with filter, transform and a few other properties. The reason is that when these properties are applied then a new containing block is formed, and that will cause fixed and absolute positioned children to behave somewhat unexpectedly in they now “appear to reserve space” whereas normally they don’t. In this case the newtab options menu is fixed positioned, and thus if the body has backdrop-filter then the menu box causes the page to overflow.

    There is an exception to that mentioned containing-block formation though; if you apply the property (such as backdrop-filter here) to the document root element then no extra containing block is generated. I suppose it should be pretty simple to just apply your rule to :root instead of body.

  • Right, that makes perfect sense. The property being a variable nor it having an important tag are not meaningful to explain what’s happening here.

    What is important is simply what the address of the .css file is which sets the background-image property, because relative url resolves relative to that. The internal style sheet where this background-image property is set is chrome://activity-stream/content/css/activity-stream.css. So if the url it uses is ../newtab/wallpaper-dark.png (as by you setting the variable as such) then it will try to load an image from address chrome://activity-stream/content/newtab/wallpaper-dark.png which surely doesn’t exist.

    But if you set background-image property from within userContent.css then the relative url resolves relative to that instead.

  • Yeah, loading any external resources - I would think fonts even more so than images - is potentially risky. In addition, there is somewhat realistic possibility for browser fingerprinting if you use some style that makes browser viewport size atypical.

    I can’t think of any actual security issues other than those. Otherwise the worst that a style could do is crash the browser, to make it utterly unusable or make it super slow. But those are all recoverable by simply trashing userChrome.css and restarting Firefox.

  • Hi, I can’t help you too much, but I can tell you what little I know.

    I honestly have no idea what has been happening in reddit since last July. As far as I’m concerned the whole platform is dead, killed by admins, and I don’t want to have anything to do with it.

    Indeed, the sub was abandoned some years back as well, back then I became a mod solely to rescue it from abandonment. I believe (although I might remember incorrectly) yawn_zz was given mod rights first by admins, and then I was given mod status by them. No clue how this sort of deal would resolve nowadays.

    At any rate, I don’t have any other contact with them, but without going to any further details I can say that our relationship was suboptimal.

    Frankly, the community was less willing to move to another platform than I had hoped, but perhaps now is a good chance to try again :)

  • I can’t remember of the top of my head, but I seem to recall the custom highlighter is inserted to the end of the dom in targeted window, so maybe you can find it just from the inspector.

    But I don’t think it will do you much good because it sounds like you would need to modify native c++ code to make the changes that would allow the current highlighter implementation to work with panel or popups. At least, that’s how I understand it.