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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023

  • MrMobius @sh.itjust.workstoMemesYARRR
    1 month ago

    Yes but if Valve goes bankrupt (unlikely today but the winds may change), imagine the amount of backlash caused by people not being able to download “their” games since the servers would have been sold.

  • Aight but if a critical mass flees the spam-ridden husks of reddit/Twitter, the bots will come for us too.

    Yeah, guys like Belogubov won’t stop at Reddit, they’ll infest every forum on the web to make even more money.
    What can we do?
    Human moderation of course, but against bots this might be a loosing battle.
    So good AIs to fight bad AIs?
    Or, if push comes to shove, white hats could take down the ReplyGuy website and the likes.

  • A few years ago I would have agreed with this statement. But lately, I’ve seen a change described in several press articles and news pieces. The younger generations in the US demand true social justice and aren’t afraid to say they’re socialists, against capitalism or consumerism. It’s a burgeoning revolution of course, since the establishment is still in control of traditional political parties. But this crack in the old broken system could bring about positive change in the long run. At least I hope so.

  • I agree the ideal solution would have been to stamp out antisemitism, so that a Jewish State would not have been necessary. But that should have been done before millions of Jews were killed in genocide. Imagine being being a survivor and being told : “Trust us, we are good people now, we won’t commit genocide against you… again”. Antisemitism and antisemites didn’t all die with Hitler.

  • MrMobius @sh.itjust.workstoMemes6÷2(1+2)
    6 months ago

    Interesting, I didn’t know about strong implicit multiplication. So I would have said the result is 9. All along my studies in France, up to my physics courses at University, all my teachers used weak implicit multiplication. Could be it’s the norm in France, or they only use it in math studies at University.

  • No I’ve never met a French person who hates Haiti for becoming independent. There might be 1 or 2 die-hard bonapartists like that somewhere, but we just see them as a lunatic minority like the other monarchists. Most people don’t even remember Haiti being part of France. But there are still a lot of nostalgics of French Algeria and other former African colonies. And boy that’s very cringe for our diplomatic relations sometimes!

  • I’m French so I can tell you we don’t learn about Haïti in History class. I was curious some time ago so I did a bit of research about it. It was quite inspiring to see that the young independent nation was actually prosperous in its early years. But being a small island-country is hard, even more so when you have to pay a debt of 150M francs to France ($560M today). I wouldn’t say Haïti’s misery is maintained by racism today, but by the ravages of past imperialism. And in the 1800s, racism was more a justification for colonisation rather than the discrimination/segregation we see since the 20th century.