Moss [they/them]

Who up sauling they Goodman. Is that anything

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023



    I am pansexual hexbear-pan. I want to ask the bi users of hexbear (I know you’re here) how they would define the difference between pan and bi, because it doesn’t really seem right to call myself bisexual. Basically the way I see it, being bi is being attracted to masculinity and femininity, or certain features in men and different features in women. Being pan is experiencing attraction regardless of gender. Like the girls I am attracted to have just as much in common with the boys I am attracted to as they do each other. I feel like my attraction to genders is not really a discrete thing, like my attraction to masculinity and femininity aren’t different, they’re just attraction. Honestly I wouldn’t even say I’m attracted to masculinity or femininity at all because those just aren’t concepts I think of when I look at someone.

    But I wanna see if anyone agrees or disagrees. Advise me, oh wise bisexuals

  • There’s this one person I keep seeing on my explore page on Instagram, and I’m not sure how old she is so I don’t want to dunk on her too hard. But she keeps posting about how unfair it is that no one has adapted her book into a movie yet, saying like “how do we have so much riverdale but studios won’t adapt my story about a lesbian leader of a revolution against a dystopia who falls in love with her bodyguard”. And its like okay that story might be enjoyable but that isn’t a very good pitch for it. Roughly 50% of queer teens wrote that exact story. Its not exactly bringing anything new to any scene. I’d probably rather have that than some other slop but it doesn’t sound like anything incredible.

    Also I see this way of describing books a lot on Instagram. People will describe their book by literally just saying the events of the plot, like “these two spies fall in love” or whatever. And like okay, I guess that’s what happens, but it doesnt sound very interesting when you put it like that. Imagine if the Lord of the Rings was described as “small people have to walk for ages to destroy a cursed item.” Like, can we get anything about the genre of the book? The tone? What its a commentary on?

  • I grew up in a rural area and would often see horses on country roads. Obviously they would be distressed by cars, so driving past them was a nightmare for everyone involved. They take up so much room on a road. I think horse-riders might be the only people worse than car-drivers on the road, and I fucking hate cars. Horses don’t need or want to be on roads at all, if you want them to be able to run around, give them a field. Its such a selfish rich person hobby