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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Ohhhh! Gosh Dawg It! You’re right! I didn’t even get to bring up the fact guns in the country are owned by a bunch of little dick energy removed who need a gun to feel like a big manly man. I didn’t just grow up around guns, I’ve been shooting since I can remember. The first time I fired a Springfield 30/06 rifle was like 7 or 8. I even shot competition for years and got my 4H Expert… Didn’t get my Distinguished Expert because I just couldn’t shoot that good but dang it Im proud of that. My family is military and we live on farms. I’ve never been hunting because I don’t like killing stuff, but I’ve shot a lot and you know what a real veteran ran household with weapons is like? My first shotgun was a single barrel break 20gauge. Oneday while cleaning it, I had it completely disassembled and had nothing but the barrel. A literal hollow chunk of round metal with a BB glued to the end and pointed it at my brother. I think God himself heard me get my head ripped off, and good. You know why? GUNS ARE NOT A FUCKING TOY. They aren’t “cool” and aren’t something you show off without knowledge the 2 people interacting with that weapon are skilled and trained to handle it beyond safely. A weapon doesn’t make me feel powerful, it makes me feel dangerous and that’s because while I am brandishing that firearm and it is loaded, I am extremely powerful. I can literally play God to any living thing around me and nobody can stop me unless they can shoot first. And if your dick size bothers you so bad you need one to feel like a man, go fuck yourself. You know why? Ask a combat veteran what that little chunk of steel/lead/gun powder does to a living thing. It’s designed for one purpose and one purpose only, to kill. “BuT WhAt AbOuT fOr SpOrT!?1!” then treat that WEAPON as a sport item and keep it locked up tight till you get to the gun range. But you little dick energy dumbfucks walking around with your open carry .45s or your God fucking damn piece of shit Grady’s .223 AR slung over your shoulder at the Wal Mart are pieces of shit because you are every single thing wrong with gun culture. You kill with a gun, it’s not a car or “assault hammer” or whatever dumb bullshit the NRA jerks off too that has other uses and just happens to be a potential weapon. A gun does one thing, fires a rock real real fast. With large enough round like a 30/06 in an M1 Garand, it will tear that Amazkn Tacticool armor into nothing, and the men, women and fucking children behind it. Are there a lot of good and safe gun owners? Absolutely. But the gun community needs to realize the safe ones are the minority. You just fucking are. Treat guns the way the military does, isn’t that a good idea? Now go to a military base and tell me how many of those highly trained combat soldiers are walking around with a gun if not actively using it?

    “You” is not directed at anyone unless they feel personally attacked by this rant. Then it is 100% to them.

  • That’s not all you’ll find now is it? Apparently you don’t have the greatest view in LGBT people? I’m a shitposter, but not a prick. So I genuinely would like to know your controversial opinions on LGBT and give you the space to say your opinions and defend them. Like why is Pride Month “unwarranted”?

  • Am I an environmentalist? You are damn right. I grew up on a farm and in nature. It’s amazing and must be protected at all costs. But, do I think I personally contribute anything worth noting to that? No. If corporations and the ultra wealthy got their shit together, everyone in America could be rolling coal in their diesel pick ups and it wouldn’t matter. THAT DOES NOT MEAN WE SHOULD DO THAT, but I will not feel guilty for contributing a drop to a flood done by the top 0.1%. Me personally, I think the whole carbon footprint thing is great, but it’s pushed on the masses to try and be like “you guys better drive clean cars and recycle!” as their crude oil burning cargo ships and mass growth and slaughter of our fellow creatures on this planet do most of the damage. Everyone should be held accountable, but at what point is someone like me sacrificing something that gives us a little joy in our miserable little lives for at best, at absolutely best a wishful thought? My MR2 and Truck and Jeep make me happy, I won’t feel guilty for enjoying them.

  • Nah man, I completely get it. Like I said above, I live in a rural shithole in SC and transportation is like 1/4rd or more of a lot of people’s income. Its easy to say “JuSt bUy SoMeThInG oLdER, yOU DoNt NeEd AnyTHiNg NiCe” but Im a technician at heart and full understand the depth of knowledge you need to properly maintain and repair an old car. If you are super duper lucky, you’ll have an uncle or brother to help you but most people are at the mercy of the shops around them and I personally have been F’d in the A because of ignorance or compliance and I know in some rather silly and not on purpose detail how a vehicle works. Public transportation doesn’t seem to be a possibility in our neck of the woods but doesn’t mean being a slave to car manufacturers is the only solution. I love the freedom, I even drive for a living now and still love it, but I’m not foolish enough to think I am not the outlier.

  • First, I wouldn’t tell anyone I was going to die, but I’d go see everyone who is important to me. Even if it was insanely inconvenient for them, I’d do it and tell them I love them. I’m sure it will make all of them angry I didn’t say “I’ll be dead in 24hrs” but that’s now how I want to go out. Everyone crying and blah blah blah. Am I getting on your nerves because you love me but the new born is crying and I showed up unannounced? I know and that’s okay. I’ll probably smile fondly, give them a big hug and tell them I’ll see them when I can. Then I’d get home and start writing. I’d write as much to every person I needed to. If I had anything to say at all, I’d say it. A lot of apologizing and explaining why I didn’t say anything but I’d definitely put in a “if you feel bad by the way you acted towards me the last time we saw each other, fuck you. I don’t remember being required to consider your feelings about my death. I went out the way I wanted, and I gave you one last memory of me being me. Not everyone standing around being an asshole and crying on everything.” Then would elaborate in detail to each one individually what I will remember about them. What I want them to remember about me and who I was. Probably write about the good and the bad, but remind them every other paragraph they have nothing to feel bad for, that I know they loved me and I didn’t say anything because I wanted my last time with them to be normal. It would take the majority of the time I have left. Then, idk. Probably depending on my mood in the hours before, I may go find somewhere secluded with a good view or pick one person and tell them so I don’t have to go out alone. That one I don’t think any person can say for sure till it happened. Hell, I might say fuck it and find anyone I can so I don’t go out alone. But I’ve already faced some of this reality once and writing was the thing that I felt I needed to do most. To explain anything and everything. Don’t leave anything up for debate or question. They will all have all the answers to all the questions within days of my death. No wondering this or feeling guilty for that.

  • I live here, this place is a shit hole. If I wasnt in so much debt from school and medical, I’d save enough to scoot on out of this dumpster fire but NOOOO, our entire financial system is designed around making you loaded with debt so you can’t do anything but work and jerk off… I know man, I know. I shouldn’t have had a seizure in-between jobs so I didn’t have healthcare for 2 months. What the fuck was I thinking? Bye bye $20,000. Plus, the ambulance ride was $1800 to take me 20miles and I just didn’t pay it. My credit score was 805, guess what it is now with nothing but a single hit? Fuck this place. If you like it so much? It’s because you have Stochholm Syndrome or are too stupid to see how the rest of the 1st world lives. Oh and I can hear it now “but but but, what about how much better we are than all these smallers countries who are combined worth less than our yearly military budget!!! They are bad so we are real good! Huurrrr duuurrrrr.”

  • M1ster2@lemm.eetoMemesWhen someone makes a crude joke on the internet
    1 year ago

    Wow, hmm… This is such a good comment to shitpost under but I’m not sure what angle to take. The fact you seem to be upset people publicly can get on a public website in public and look at the public posts the user posted in a public forum in public is a good one. But also the whole “just because they said a bunch of shit about hating the Jews doesn’t mean you should look at their post history you creep!” is a good one too. Now though, Im just wondering what you have to hide? So… I guess let’s take a look at your post history 🤷

    Edit: Ohhhh… I found it everyone. He/she/they/zem doesn’t want people to know they don’t like LGBT people that much.

  • So, is the community against all cars? Or just the ones for cities? I went to LA last month to see my brother and we went to this nice area that had blocked the street off permanently and all the restaurants and businesses had taken over the road. I. Fucking. Loved. It. All the extra space was great. So in city life, I completely get it.

    That being said… I am a car person. I have an MR2 turbo I love to death. I have a lifted F250 (I grew up on a farm in a small shithole town in SC. I know I’m considered bad here but eh, the Kia Sorento isn’t going to pull the dump trailer or the tractor and the lift is because I’m 8 at heart and still smile driving it around) and a heavily modified Jeep Cherokee I play off-road with. Plus my daily Honda Civic. Cars have souls and driving is a sense of freedom I am addicted to. I can promise you 100% of “grown ups” (age is subjective here) with loud cars isn’t to impress anyone else, it’s for us. I won’t even drive my MR2 at certain times to make sure I don’t disturb anyone and when I’m around a populated area, I shift at low RPM and keep the noise down a lot, but away from everyone in bum fuck rural America, that exhaust note is all for me.

    I get you hate cars, I even agree for the most part. But does that mean ALL cars? Am I bad here?