I think this is the 5th time I’ve seen this headline.
Your sweet trans cat girl
I think this is the 5th time I’ve seen this headline.
Can’t tell if this is a shitpost or not
I was 16 as a sophomore. Best case scenario, it’s someone like you. Worst case scenario, someone dropped out for the work at this meat plant.
Eh? Zoloft made weed hit harder, but it also made it hit way different. If you want couch lock, I’d say just do THC and CBN. If you want a more sativa-y high, afterwards
That makes it even sadder. 16 in 8th grade would mean he had been held back a couple of times or something in the same vein. I wonder how long he had been working there.
What’s your favorite mix?
LOL THE MOST GABAPENTIN STORY EVER. I was a heavy Phenibut user back in the day. Shit was like living in the good half of being bipolar until one day you’d wake up and the mania would be over and I’d try to kill myself. I got really close a couple times, very lucky to be alive now.
Distros based on Ubuntu are better than ever. Ubuntu isn’t the move tho
Does it matter where that image is actually taken if it looks identical to most of the country?
The only way to beat shitty people is to prove that you’re better at whatever dumbass game they’re playing than them. Evangelicals? Just pretend to be a DesNat/fundie. When someone is being violent towards you, the only way to “win” is by returning it 10 fold. Their worldview is based on superiority, do not let them delude themselves and others.
It’s essentially Unreal Engine for kids, Roblox and Minecraft were both huge in how much freedom they provided the player.
True, but I’ve never been lead astray by asking myself “What would Chili and Bandit do?”
Unrelated, but when I was a kid I thought China and Japan were a united land mass until WW2 when we nuked Japan, then it floated off into the ocean. This reminded me of that a little bit
The only reason I don’t care all that much is because it’s all online in public, it’s made to be shared. Do you get upset when someone steals your meme and doesn’t credit you? The internet is just made for this kind of spread. It’s why comic creators use tags. Where do you draw the line for what online text is shareable or not shareable?
Idk man, I saw a lot of people actually try to say this is a reasonable thing to do. Can never be sure
On the kitchen confidential sub, we all agreed it would be pretty cool for big pieces of fried chicken, but then questioned where they would store whatever is supposed to be scooped by this. Fast-food popcorn chicken holders is pretty much the only thing we could say made sense. But then if it was fast food, they’d just have scoops for it already.
I never had that experience. For me it was just as heavy of a stimulant as it was a downer, so unless I almost overdosed, I was fine. The good Phenibut moments were the best highs I’ve ever had. The bad Phenibut moments almost killed me, whether it was an OD of sorts or me trying to kill myself. It’s fun, but taking it daily or taking large doses with poly mixes is just one of the worst ideas. Glad you’re okay, that sounds terrifying.