Woodworker, technology hobbyist, longtime gamer from NES onwards. Core member of [FOXY] [DR].

  • 2 Posts
Joined před 1 rokem
Cake day: 14. června 2023


  • Reaper’s Corridor is holding our own a little better than the previous week but matchups are still lopsided with massive guild stacking on BBL with a lot of Mag players (red has been great to play against, blue just has some major inconsistencies between us melting them and then they being super tanky with boon rips no longer working). Our future alliance guild has said they have 50+ queues on all battlegrounds in their matchup.

    Lag and bugs are still out the wazoo. Reset was a little better but they chose a lock icon on the WvW menu instead of just going from greyed out to open. I was lucky to get in by hitting travel from Lion’s Arch on the lock appearance but not so much for the rest of my guild squad.


  • @dominoko

    I played on reset night and the queuing system was an absolute sh!t show. Instead of just allowing players to press “F” at the portals in Lion’s Arch, the system brought up a queue system (the WvW window was also bugged at the same time) that players needed to queue into and then you might be allowed in. I got placed into another BL away from my squad and the system kicked me back to the queue once the Travel dialog came up after 2 hours of waiting. Ping has been absolutely horrendous, and the way teams were filled was very confusing leading to some sides being completely dominated. I’m pretty sure Anet has been doing experiments in the background real time that has led to copious amounts of bugs and other performance issues.