I’ve been on Mastodon since November 2022. Migrated from universedon to toad.social. I’m a knitter, reader, mom, wife, sister, daughter, neighbor and friend. I’m antifa and I vote!
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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 26th, 2023
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@riggbeck@fediverse I didn’t broadcast the specific hashtag. No need to rain on anyone’s parade just bc I’m not interested. Still, my efforts to clean up my timeline have been ineffective and now the #AnnoyingHashtag is REALLY annoying.
@riggbeck @fediverse I didn’t broadcast the specific hashtag. No need to rain on anyone’s parade just bc I’m not interested. Still, my efforts to clean up my timeline have been ineffective and now the #AnnoyingHashtag is REALLY annoying.