Kumikommunism [they/them]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2020

  • I recently heard Obama talk about the “circular firing squad”, where perfect is the enemy of good and progressive forces tear each other down for the smallest ideological differences.

    Okay, this single sentence entirely changed how I was going to answer you. I need to ask: do you think that Obama is a good source on wisdom for actually making a change as big as the US ceasing to support a genocide? Like, you think he has a point here? This “perfect is the enemy of good” is used by Democrats to gather support for the genocide, which is the implicit “good” there. Like, I’d like to explain to you the futility of supporting the Democrats, but I feel like I need to start in a completely different place.

  • Say what you will about AOC or the DSA (I’m sure there is plenty of valid criticism), but at least they win and are executing on a plan to gain power.

    Why is this a good thing? The Nazis apparently knew how to gain power. Should I support them?

    What’s the point of congratulating AOC on getting elected if she supports genocide? If you want that, you can vote for the other two parties anyways.

  • so it’s not being used to put down deposits on next years cruise

    That’s not what this is preventing. You made this up.

    This is simple austerity, which is a punishment for poor people. Kier’s openly pro-rich, pro-corporation. If you (or he) were so worried about rich people having too much money, you would support the suggestion in the article: a wealth tax. But you don’t actually want that. It’s okay to want poor people to suffer. Just admit you want austerity, like Kier has. It’s a very accepted political position, the biggest parties agree. You don’t have to hide it.

  • When I saw that and “container tabs”, I thought it was going to have a good implementation of vertical tabs, but it really doesn’t. No easy folders, no organizational features…If they add some stuff that makes it meaningfully different from Firefox, I might give it some thought, but right now, there’s really no point. Better keyboard shortcuts or something would even make me switch, but that bar seems useless now.