• 49 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Reminds me of what a friend told with his grandfather when he was cutting wood for a carpentry project with a handheld wood saw, it slipped out of his hand and, I guess on instinct, tried to grabbed before it fell, if I recall he got some nasty lacerations from catching it on the blade before switching it off.

    So I can only imagine what it might feel working with something that cuts before you can even register the damage. That was a close call, especially with the momentum of your movement could have done some irreparable damage to your hand.

  • I played it a long time ago, but still recall how the way of open fist and closed fist symbolized I guess concepts

    Closed Fist, was a philosophy selfish desire and domination with the ideal of only the strongest getting to make the rules

    Whereas open fist was selflessness with the ideal that one’s strength is only as strong as the weakest link

    The morality was binary choice with the environments changing somewhat accordingly, but I recall it having a more noticable effect on the “kung-fu” you could learn and it was an interesting mechanic to try and match one’s fighting style to the philosophy one follows.

    I recall open-fist felt more disciplined and “soft” in its impact whereas closed-fist had a more viseral feel with the intent to cause harm and show superiority

    Although the choice was either open or closed fist it did leave a stronge impact on how different the ending sequence played out which at the time was something I really felt impressed with as the difference in tone during the last moments - showcasing that both paths can achieve the goal.

    I think Mass Effect probably had its early roots, in regards to morality system, from Jade Empire with influence from KOTOR as well.

  • Thank you to everyone that left a comment, it has been helpful to snap me out of the negative spiral somewhat.

    Again, something that I noticed is that my, not sure, brain I guess responds stronger to the perception of empathy rather than sympathy or at least it feels that way when I think on how I read what has been written. It might get warped with people I know over time as I sink into a negative mindspace.

    But I do think I subconsciously attempt to try “feel” what is been written or seen and base an interpretation from that - mixed with a profile that I probably apply a bias to.

    So thinking on that I probably felt frustrated at the friend when their writing had the appearance of not understanding what I am feeling and felt ever more dispondent when I tried to get them to understand what I am feeling which probably lead to throwing more and more negative emotion in an attempt to have it be acknowledged.

    Probably it was an attempt to grasp at trying to not be alone, which I admit is probably not helpful to someone else, especially if they do not wish to “feel” that emotion.

    It is like an emotional mismatch I guess, where one shouts " this is the solutions that I found that helped" and the other shouts “this is a problem and I want support”. It probably ends up feeling that either side is not listening to the other as both parties are looking at an issue from a different lens.

  • The video had a good example on how important voting in a functional democracy is, as it applies pressure and weakens the grip of stronger “keys” as the ones in charge must try to balance self-interest with survival. It also shows how this power can also be used against itself as those in charge try to manipulate the system towards a desired outcome.

    Also thank you for confirming what book the video is based on

  • It is a grindy game, eventually you will need to make use of platinum ( premium currency) to unlock slots for warframes, weapons, pets or to unlock skins and convenience items like forma - which can be farmed but fully completed ones are a rare drop and to build 1 takes 23 hours- ( item used to allow great customisation of frames and weapons and resets forma’d object back to level 1) and there are a few other things spending platinum on mostly for slots, but that is in spoiler terriority to mention.

    One can farm stuff most of the stuff if you have the time and patience, besides the “prime” version of mods and weapons and warframes.

    Prime stuff is essentially the “best” version of something and considered “best in slot” for the space it takes( prime mods are a bit more complicated in regards “best”)

    The prime mods one gets from a trader that pops up every 2 weeks and exchanges currency that is earned by cashing in prime parts for currency and use the currency to buy from the trader.

    Prime warframes and weapons are rotated over time and put in a “vault” when its time has run its course. There are a few primes that not vaulted, but for the most part one just has to wait if they are looking for a specific prime.

    Platinum can be traded for items, but is probably best to trade platinum on the unofficial market site.

    Generally it is a good game with good gameplay, but is very, for lack of better word “gated” by a lot of timers and daily caps that either the impatient can use premium currency push through either by buying the stuff they want or speeding up the forging process

  • It is probably been said, but roll with the failures in disco elysium, sometimes the failures bring out a better result. It systems do a great job commenting on your decisions and whether you do your job as a cop or not, it still drives across a very human story

    In regards to a game with a good story, I can say OneShot surprised me. It breaks the 4th wall by having you be the character that guides the protagonist through the world as they wake up in another world and go on a journey trying to get back. Simple graphics and one has to read everything, but by the story’s end was I left feeling some emotions in regards to its conclusion.

  • Had to look it up to check its dates as a kid they only sold rip-off NES machines here, but the oldest game, i enjoyed playing, I found by date was Dig Dug, 2D game where you dig tunnels to get to all the enemies and defeat them by what I can only describe as throwing a bicycle pump nozzle into their mouths and pumping it until the enemy pops like a balloon.

    There is the usual like Super Mario Brothers, Contra and I recall playing something where I think Diddy Kong throws barrels and “mario” has to avoid it to save the tied up princess behind diddy can’t recall the name

    There is also Bomberman, Lode Runner, Double Dragon( specifically 2), Arkanoid, Ice climber (co-op) and a game I really enjoyed called Operation Wolf

    Oldest original game is most probably Pac Man, but prefered the “3D”-like one which allowed pac man to jump in the maze which is newer.


    My bad, oldest game played in 2024, hmmm, Heroes of Might and Magic 1

  • JayEchoRay@lemmy.worldtoComic Strips@lemmy.worldEVIL GUY
    3 months ago

    Renegade Shepard can be pragmatic on the Tuchunka incident although that requires a commitment from the player through all three games to have been “renegade” on their choices on the matter - sets in motion events where your choice saves one, but ultimately ruined another’s future.

    Renegade Shepard does feel less screwed around with as their demeanour “demanding” respect, and mass effect 2 onwards refocuses renegade away from stupid “evil” choices and leans heavier to a " ends justify the means" with a slice of self importance and arrogance