• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • The way I saw it Natah is who she was born as, and was who she was at the start of the old war. Lotus is the shared dream of the tenno for her, dream not of what you are but of what you want to be and all that. Margulis I always viewed as being the falsest of the identities. IMO she was never truly Margulis, Margulis was just the base chosen for her recreation by the tenno.

    I ended up picking Lotus, because I dont think going back to the Natah she once was would be true to who she is now, and I don’t thino she was ever really Margulis to begin with. Lotus is her present to me, it represents who she has become more than who she was before.

  • I was a real scaredy cat as a kid, so for me Terminator and Jurassic Park were the ones I remember giving me nightmares that other people would know. Outside of that weirdly the movie “the edge” with its bear terrified me, I always imagined a bear could just rip through the wall of our home and grab me. Another weird one was The 13th Warrior, there was a particular scene in.a bloody cabin that really upset me, but I dont think the movie was really scary, I was probably just way too young to watch it

  • For Huntress she was the first killer I tried, and while her kit is very simple its powerful and incredibly satisfying to use. She’s doesn’t require a crazy build to work, and if I load in to a.match I can be assured that regardless what the opponents brought, I can win if I hit my hatchets and play smart.

    Artist is in much the same boat, but also she was my top result when I did Otz’s killer quiz. Her power lets her scout the map and get some sweet snipes. She also has such a cool design with her look and sounds. I like that planning ahead and patience rewards hits with them as well. Thats part of why I picked up Hag as well, I like to plan out an attack on a survivor and be rewarded when a trap or trick goes off without a hitch.

  • I’m fairly new, so mostly free killers for me, but if you couldnt guess from my username Huntress is my first love killerwise. I tend to run her with Bitter Murmurs, Huntress Lullaby, Fearmonger, and spies from the shadows, but I’ve been experimenting with the perks I just unlocked with event buys.

    My new killers are Artist, Hag, and Dredge, out of which I think Artist is my favorite. Her perks are amazing, so I tend to run Grim Embrace, Pain Res, Spies from the Shadows, and Agitation. I tend to swap Agitation for whatever perk im experimenting with though. Hag I like Third Seal, Pentimento, Hex Ruin, and Agitation again, but I’m still figuring out the cute swamp Lady.

    Aside from those I still run Billy and Trapper a bunch. Getting a good game with trapper makes you feel like a genius. For him I dont like to be a basement trapper so much so I run Unnerving Presence, Agitation, Huntress Lullaby, and Brutal Strength. Billy I need to rework my build now that I have better perks, but usually for him I run Tinkerer, Enduring,

  • You fucking nailed it. I play both killer and survivor and while my anniversary matches have been pretty good, there have still been a concerning proportion of games with people being asshats.

    Nothing sucks as bad as survivor as being tunneled or camped out of the game immediately, and I’ve seen so much of it lately. The Singularity has been the worst offender in my recent games, leaving their bodies at hook so they can tag people with biopods then wake up once the rescue starts.

    As killer I’ve been seeing a bunch of bully squads, and just so so much teabagging and flashlight clicking. If I follow scratch marks from hook and find the person just unhooked instead of the rescuer I turn around and go check a gen or something, but then those same people will teabag you at the gate like you didnt just spare them. Makes the game feel bad when you’re playing friendly and they just treat you like the 35th sweaty Wesker or Blight in a row when you’re playing a casual build on a less powerful killer.

    Hopefully those folks will dwindle as the event goes on, but if I hadn’t lucked into some really good fun and friendly matches in between I would probably have stopped playing the event already.

  • HuntressHimbo@lemmy.fmhy.mltoWarframe@dormi.zoneGuess that's it?
    1 year ago

    “Step right up my vengeant angels. We got a system to save! Sign here love” - Little Duck


    “No other species works for autonomy. No other species works to own their own body. No other species takes such pride in their enslavement. Solaris divided, we are slaves. Solaris United, we are a force! The future can be different. Believe. Resist.” - Eudico

  • For survivor my go to lately has been We’ll make it, Prove Thyself, Blast Mine, and Sprint burst. Blast mine is just so satisfying even if it isn’t super strong, and the others give me a little boost in different situations.

    For killer I like aura perks, bitter murmurs is my go-to, but I also have been dabbling in slow down with eruption and the like.

    Also on trapper I like to run agitation, unnerving presence, Huntress Lullaby, and something like enduring

  • I’m in kind of the same boat as you, fairly new and hoarding atm. My take is that its best to stick to less powerfull add-ons until you’re very comfortable with the normal mechanics and then start using the ones that change up the mechanics more. That said, I don’t think there really is a right answer. Maybe throw them on for games where you are close to going up a grade, or for games where you’re running a good blood point offering like bloody party streamers. Just make sure you dont hoard them forever, it probably feels pretty bad to be a Billy with add-ons that were great before their changes, but only mediocre now