we are going to need a lot of bullets
pointsto fight this.
we are going to need a lot of bullets
pointsto fight this.
Like most other gifts, it’s only acceptable if you put a specific one on a wish list and they bought that one. Who wants a random wallet? That’s like buying a random watch, or cologne, or belt. Any accessory should be picked out by the person wearing/using it.
Lol sure bud
Exactly, there are “the imperialist nations” and then the countries you like. It’s just that many of the countries you like are also imperialist (and decidedly not communist). Your failure to understand that imperialism isn’t a system, but a course of action, is why you’re mocked.
Grew up working on a dairy farm, definitely drank raw milk and didn’t shit my guts out. It would if you drank, like, a LOT of it. But seriously you’d have to drink more than a cup or so.
Excuse me, what?! Going to have to check that out ASAP.
I was going to say that I have an awesome book about this stuff, and then I saw the author of the post is the author of that book. The book is called “Your Inner Fish” and it is EXCELLENT.
It was so plain to see once you get past the “fee-fees” of the bullshit. Patently obvious to anyone with a shred of humanism.
No way. The guy who said he’d give Netanyahu a blank check to destroy Gaza opposes Islam? Color me fucking shocked.
People are sexist, who knew? The patriarchy is alive and thriving.
“So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide.”
No no, you don’t understand. Just like imperialism, it’s only bad when “the West” does it.
This is exactly it for me. If you give me cash, I will appreciate it but just end up saving it. If you give me a gift card I will use it to buy something I wouldn’t have otherwise.
Plus, you can be more intentional with gift cards. Was your dad talking about how much he’d like a new fishing pole? Getting him a gift card to an outdoors store shows you were paying attention. Maybe your wife really likes manicures but never gets them for herself. A gift card to a spa shows thought.
The entire US government is the image of war crimes they egged on, regardless of party. Don’t act like you’re not immediately a war criminal by becoming president. Trump is a war criminal. So is Biden, and Obama, and every president before then with precious few exceptions.
led to them ordaining Biden
You understand he’s not running now, right? The rest of the post is a non-sequitor because he’s not the candidate now.
What in the name of Yog-Sothoth is going on with black-belts left hand?
You also need to include the investment companies buying property just to hold it and sell when the value is high. This creates artificial scarcity, increasing prices by lowering supply. They aren’t renting these properties out, they let them sit empty. I think simply banning corporations from owning houses (and this would obviously need some detailed definition of ‘house’) you’d immediately see a huge price decline.
Similar to Harney Peak being renamed Black Elk Peak. Though Harney wasn’t a Confederate, he did massacre Native American men, women, and children. Tribal/indigenous naming is so much better.
Cool, so you would rather moralize about what will happen regardless of who wins this election than try to prevent America from becoming a theocracy. Cool cool. Enjoy the indiscriminate slaughter of all those groups you say you support. I hope you live comfortably through all the death. Have a good one.
I know from experience that those can be heavy if you need to pick them up with snow on them. I made the mistake of using one to clear my deck and had to lift it up, all laden with snow, over the railing to dump it. If you’re doing anything like that just be careful for your back, bend at the knees as much as you can.