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Pronouns: They/them


  • 51 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I acknowledge I can’t completely remove myself from contributing to suffering and climate change (short of killing myself, which I have no intention of doing.)

    However I’ll do all I can to minimize my impact. Including being vegan, living a generally minimal consumption lifestyle, buying secondhand as much as possible, walking or cycling everywhere, and not bringing any children into this world.

    I’ll also acknowledge my individual actions don’t really make any difference in the grand scheme of things, but I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least try to live in a manner that won’t make our planet inhospitable to our species before the end of the century.

  • What is your goal with these posts man? You don’t want help, in fact you seem to react very aggressively at the mere idea, so why the fuck are you posting this? To torture yourself? To clap yourself on the back because, while you might be a fucking mess, at least you’re self-aware?

    To answer your question, it’s nice being in a loving relationship, in no small part because it necessitates loving yourself and accepting you are worthy of love. A healthy relationship cannot exist without self-love.

    I really hope you eventually seek out therapy, you obviously have a lot of hate for yourself and you deserve better. Everyone does.

    Now to wait for OP to berate me for daring to offer advice and empathy! Sorry, not sorry! 😊 If you don’t want help, can you please at least stop spamming these super negative, useless posts? If you’re so insistent to stay in this mindset in which you are clearly unhappy, at least have the decency to buy a journal or something instead of posting when you are openly hostile to anyone who tries to be nice to you. Sorry if my tone is a bit rude throughout the message, but fuck I can’t help but feel you’d just automatically reject anyone sending any kindness your way.

  • I’m probably on the younger side of Lemmy, my first OS was Windows 98, but the first one I truly remember using is XP.

    When I really started getting into computers, our family PC was running Vista, and the first nerdy thing I remember doing was trying to “downgrade” that computer to XP. My parents were none too pleased when they saw that the PC wouldn’t boot, thinking I had bricked it. It took me about a week to getting XP running properly, and that feeling of satisfaction is what started my love for tinkering with computers (I’m definitely a noob compared to the average Lemmy user, though).

    Afterwards, I fell into the Apple fanboy pipeline and begged my parents for a MacBook. I was a huge Mac nerd, even saving up money as a teen for an iMac, until I started wanting to game more on PC, especially with friends on Steam. I then started dual-booting, initially XP but then Windows 7, and eventually I realized I was never booting into my Mac partition. I played around very occasionally with dual-booting Linux as well, Ubuntu and then Linux Mint, but this was more for computer nerd clout than a genuine need or interest for libre software, also the command line scared me and I still played too many games to main a Linux distro.

    I then built a PC for gaming, and ran Windows 7 on it until around 2 years ago when I got really into FOSS and switched to EndeavourOS which is what I’ve been happily using ever since. I’ve always enjoyed tinkering on computers, but with EndeavourOS I feel like I’m less battling with my OS and more with my lack of skill/knowledge, which is much more rewarding to surmount, and makes me feel like my system is truly mine.