CascadeOfLight [he/him]

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 13th, 2023


  • That was the exact feeling I got from DroneRights. I tried to keep an open mind cause you know, there are all kinds of people in this wide wide world, but their explanation of their identity just seemed so complex and frankly artificial (no pun intended) and many of their posts ran right up to the edge of acceptability, or else seemed like distorted strawman versions of leftist positions, that were just a little too extreme or phrased in the way that a hyper-online reactionary would see leftist positions.

    Like, the scent that I caught the hint of was an absolutely seethingly bitter 4chan-type fascist, coming here to make up an identity that it was hard to follow the rules of and then keep pushing the boundary of acceptance, trying to create scenarios where they were accidentally slighted and could then browbeat well-meaning people who would feel bad about it (i.e. exactly what their twisted worldview says queer people do IRL) - even calling it ‘dronegender’ was suspicious adjacent to the ‘attack helicopter’ meme - while parodying and distorting left talking points to see if people would still agree with them. Until, of course, they eventually showed their true colors and got themselves banned.

    This ‘my pronouns are capitalized’ thing feels like the exact same wrecker style.

  • Wow gee I don’t care, I think every nazi should get turned into giblets of flesh by whatever means necessary.

    This war started ten years ago when a US-backed fascist coup overthrew Ukraine’s democratically elected government, for the sole purpose of persecuting the country’s Russian minority. When a chunk of Ukraine’s army defected to fight for the Russian-speaking Urkainian civilians, a low-intensity civil war began. During this time the Ukrainian nazis incessantly bombed the civilian centers of Donetsk and Luhansk, using not only regular munitions, but cluster bombs and white phosphorus.

    Russia tried over and over again to solve this problem through diplomacy, because Putin is a cold-blooded, lily-livered coward whose only concern was selling gas to Europe. However, the US continuously sabotaged relations, riling up, funding and arming the nazis to continue their ethnic cleansing campaign. After threatening to let Ukraine join NATO (a promise they privately told Zelensky would never happen) they finally, finally dragged Russia into a hot war - one that Russia first spend a fucking week beforehand recognising the independence of the DPR and LPR, then signing a defence pact with them, and finally starting the SMO in what is possibly one of the most telegraphed invasions of all time.

    Russia then continued to conduct the war in the most limited, precisely targeted manner of any war this century, to the extent that the initial push was more like a militarised police action. Instead of obliterating all of Ukraine’s infrastructure, as for instance the US did to Iraq while “liberating” them from their dictator, they targeted only the unmanned electrical substations that powered the train network, preventing Ukrainian troop movement. For the first week, Russia continued sending gas through Ukrainian pipelines, for which they paid the Ukrainian government transit fees, which only stopped because the Ukrainians shut the pipes off.

    After easily blowing up a huge amount of Ukrainian materiel and sending an armored column to wait outside Kiev, Russia began negotiating peace. A deal was struck and was about to be signed in April 2022, until Boris Johnson personally visited Kiev (which incidentally, is kind of fucked isn’t it? That he could just jaunt over to the capital of a nation undergoing “a full-scale, genocidal war” without fear? Do you think someone could have visited Saddam Hussein like that?) and promised Zelensky unlimited funding from the West if the war continued, or being totally cut off if they took the peace. Zelensky bowed to his fascist Western handlers, with the result that 600,000 Ukrainians are now dead for no reason as the peace terms back then, as it has come out since, were far more favorable than they’ll be able to get now. The West’s insane hatred for and need to break open and feast on Russia has caused an unfathomable amount of death, and at least part of the blame lies with the “people of NATO” who so readily believe all the obvious lies their governments spew.

    Basically, get the language of anti-imperialism out of your fucking mouth you bootlicking NATO fascist.