Are you ok?
Are you ok?
Actually you are as bad as other countries, usually worse by any objective measure.
It would and was.
Lol, further proof that the word “authoritarian” is just a meaningless snarl word for foreign adversaries.
Lol, the US has more prisoners than any other country on earth, it maintains torture black sites all over the world, it’s currently actively helping to exterminate an entire country. The only reason you could say it’s not authoritarian is because, in practice, “authoritarian” just means “an enemy of the USA”
Consequentialist. Lending false legitimacy to the lie that Kamala and the Democrats aren’t fully, one hundred percent, active and willful participants in the genocide, and spreading the false claim that the genocide is somehow “restrained” under Democrats in a way it won’t be under Trump simply serves to downplay and diminish the severity of what’s happening, and stifling any pressure against it. It’s not fighting genocide, it’s normalizing it.
Ok, but drag was encouraging people to vote for the people committing the genocide. Drag was literally doing worse than nothing.
Seems like already provides plenty of right wing perspectives, we really don’t need me.
No, liberals just aren’t leftists.
liberals are literally on the left wing of the spectrum
They literally aren’t
Your action to oppose the genocide was to tell people to vote for the people committing the genocide?
What is drag doing to stop it?
That’s not quite right: there’s still big government and heavy regulation under liberalism, it’s just focused on enclosing the Earth’s Commons and enforcing a rigid system of private property. Liberals tend not realize this, in the same way a fish doesn’t realize it’s submerged in water.
Because if not, then you’re pushing your own conspiracy theory on par with pizzagate or birtherism.
This might literally be the single stupidest attempt at a “no, U!” that anyone has ever done.
not a “Russian Asset” although I personally think he is the latter. I would argue he is at the very least compromised by Russia.
Ok, then I’m going to write you off as the mad conspiracy theorist that you are, no different to a QAnoner or a birtherist.
And no, there are not “foreign issues that as imposing there will on the US.”, that’s wild projection.
No. Trump is not employed by the Russian government and the idea he is is a conspiracy theory on par with pizzagate or birtherism.
No, it can’t. And it’s not.
Westerners once again demonstrating that they’re incapable of accepting that their countries problems are home grown and not the result of evil conspiracies by perfidious foreigners.
It’s literally the first time they have ever issued a warrant for a Western ally, and they only did it because they’re smart enough to know that not doing it when Israel is publicly exterminating an entire country would destroy all credibility the international court might have.
If drag is going to start doing that kind of bad-faith bullshit, I don’t see any point in continuing.