Just a femboy having fun and figuring themself out.

  • 1 Post
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 16th, 2023


  • Thank you for replying!

    Have you noticed much change in your upper body strength? Or have your current T levels helped keep it up? I’ve never been that strong, even with testosterone helping me, so the thought of being even physically weaker had me a bit nervous. I know I can workout to mitigate that, but that isn’t always feasible to do. How long have you been taking them so far? I’m also taking finasteride for my hair, but I’ve been on it for almost 18 months. My hair is still shedding a bit, but I can see regrowth starting.

    Those androgynizing effects sound really appealing. Those would give me the big happy.
    As for sexual functionality, that doesn’t sound too bad. Now that I think about it, I remember reading in another post someone suggested topical T-gel to apply down there. I believe trans men (and even some cis women) use it go develop theirs. So it makes sense that AMAB’s could use it to maintain functionality. I’ll have to dig into that.

    Those mental effects also sound awesome. I’ve always struggled with interpreting my emotions and maybe this is why.
    Lady-O’s are definitely something I’ve been trying to achieve but I’ve never been successful. Maybe going on E will be the ticket?

  • Not OP, but I started growing my hair out in late '22. During Summer '23, it started to look more feminine. I looked in the mirror randomly that summer and I had to stop and look. Because what I saw, for the first time in the 30 years I’ve been on Earth, made me instinctively smile. I didn’t want to stop looking because it just felt so happy seeing how I looked.
    And it’s only encouraged me to be more fem. I just need to move to a location where I can safely be me.

  • I started with squats, 5 sets, 10 reps with incrementing weight. Then I would follow that up with 2 sets of lunges, 10 reps each leg. I used dumbbells for added challenge.

    Once those alone stopped destroying my glutes, I added various exercises like straight legged deadlifts, barbell hip thrusts, wall sits for my quads, Bulgarian split squats, etc. I also added booty band exercises to further work my glutes. I don’t do all of those in one session.

    For my core, I like isometric exercises like planks and its variants. Another good one is to hold a single dumbbell in one hand and stand up straight for 45-60 seconds, then switch hands. Repeat that 3-5 times each side. That will help with pulling in your stomach which will further accentuate your booty & leg gains.

    These aren’t all my exercises (I didn’t mention upper body or cardio), but they should be a good start for a nice femboy figure.