Oh yeah, but the current manifest v3 difference between Firefox and Chrome is peanuts compared to when I had to have custom logic around regex as they didn’t support the same set of regex specs. Fuck that
Oh yeah, but the current manifest v3 difference between Firefox and Chrome is peanuts compared to when I had to have custom logic around regex as they didn’t support the same set of regex specs. Fuck that
If you wanna tighten up your extension build process feel free to steal my build setup :) (https://github.com/Baizey/UniversalAutomaticCurrencyConverter )
It’s using esbuild and I’m using it to bundle for both chrome and Firefox separately (they expect slightly different manifest files), has multi entry points support (background, content, options and popup) and builds for ts/js
One thing for danish people is the “online government id” (MitID) everyone has and needs to use for online purchases and logins to banks and various other things.
It straight up only works on chrome for mobile :/
Har du prøvet techtonica?
Har selv haft en overraskende positiv oplevelse med det, det er praktisk talt factorio 3D (mere end satisfactory var det)
Dog er det early access så jeg ved ikke om det bare vil stoppe randomly somewhere
That also depends a lot on what you classify as satisfying or fulfilling, it could easily be warped to mean anything
Okay but where does that leave my beans
Sounds like you have been watching bit just bikes
They can certainly be promoted towards it
Don’t forget kotlin
Probably my favourite of the java/c# family
But do they sell it to third parties?
Oh yeah that makes more sense xD I was wondering for wait to long why someone would send their phone number and bank account in the same message
Why would you even be sending them together?
Jeg har normalt købt individuelle dele gennem PriceRunner og selv bygget/opgraderet, købte dog min nuværende færdigbygget* fra pcspecialist, hovedsagligt fordi jeg ville have cpu vandkøling uden selv at sætte det op
*Købte gpu seperate da jeg har købte top of the line everything og havde problemer med beløbsgrænsen og ville ikke lave bank overførelsen
Drive 300 meters to a store? One of the most american sounding sentences :p
What is this “code freeze” you speak of? Every commit goes straight to prod!