Please make mod tools a top priority. It’s absolutely asinine that I need to have someone comment in a community to add them as a mod.
For AI/ML clusters this seems to be the case. Juniper has a new switch in the works that will have a monster amount of 800G ports specifically for AI/ML. Insane to me that “400G isn’t fast enough” lol.
Just trying to get some content posted here to get the ball rolling. Feel free to ask questions if you have them. I hold JNCIE-DC and have extensive experience with both Open Learning and All-Access Pass. Should be able to answer any questions you might have.
Yea that’s because mkosmo is a dickwad and has been on the site for 15 years. You know damn well someone that is a top mod for a big sub is gonna be in bed with the shitty admins.
I created the networking and juniper subs here but I’m just one person. I can’t get anyone to join them to post stuff.
For those of you interested in network engineering, I’ve created the following:
Vendor-neutral network engineering !
Juniper-specific !
Removed by mod