• AutoTL;DR@lemmings.worldB
    6 months ago

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    Lately, given the ruling party’s adroitness at sophistry (making false arguments stand for the lurking factual ones), the forthcoming general elections are generating a most instructive skein of ‘takes’ on who is who among contenders for state power at the centre.

    In that context, a pretty ingenuous and politically telling sample came to the fore in the 7 o’clock evening bulletin of the electronic news channel, News 24, in its popular programme ‘Mahol Kya Hai (what is the political weather like).’ Also read: We Were Created in Our Creator’s Image – Mimicry Is Our Manifest Destiny The anchor in attendance, dressed in a saffron sadri reinforced by a kalava around his wrist seemed to have a clear-enough agenda.

    Important to note that this programme featured on the birth anniversary of the late Chaudhary Charan Singh, whom Jats especially credit with having been not just their tallest leader , but of all agriculturists.

    The ruling political conglomeration is thus constrained constantly to now deny the one and own the other, and vice versa, never quite able yet to extinguish the social in favour of the denominational as its monochromatic ideological purpose requires.

    Photo: Twitter/@Phogat_Vinesh Equally, how is it that Dhankhar was missing in action when an overwhelmingly Jat-constituted year-long farmer’s protest in the worst of heat and chill held its ground against the since-withdrawn farm laws?

    To top it al, consider that while the entire opposition has been thrown out, the one parliamentarian whose say-so enabled the intruders to enter parliament remains both unquestioned and sweetly ensconced in the House.

    The original article contains 1,363 words, the summary contains 259 words. Saved 81%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!