In the EU single use bags cannot be sold anymore, so everyone now has some of what they call “bag for life”. It’s a similar material to the blue IKEA bags (if that’s a thing in the USA).
They last really long and since the material requirements are basic as can be, they are usually made out of 100% recycled plastic.
Just FYI, Americans do have the massive blue IKEA bags, with yellow handles I think. I remember seeing the reverse color scheme, yellow bag with blue handles, on a couple of bags when the IKEA opened in my town.
In the EU single use bags cannot be sold anymore, so everyone now has some of what they call “bag for life”. It’s a similar material to the blue IKEA bags (if that’s a thing in the USA).
They last really long and since the material requirements are basic as can be, they are usually made out of 100% recycled plastic.
Just FYI, Americans do have the massive blue IKEA bags, with yellow handles I think. I remember seeing the reverse color scheme, yellow bag with blue handles, on a couple of bags when the IKEA opened in my town.
Thanks! Seems to be the same worldwide. Over here the blue ones are for sale, the yellow ones are for use inside the IKEA.
That’s why I love them so much.
My idea is about further benefit the bag holders.
My country is head deep in single-use plastics right now and only a minority uses these cool bags.
Was the same here before they were banned.